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231 results found
Filters applied: Earth & Coastal Sciences, Feature
AUGUST 3, 2020

Projecting the Future Trade of Virtual Water

An analysis led by PNNL scientists projects that the volume of virtual water embedded in the global agriculture trade could triple by 2100. The results point to regions that might become global food suppliers or dependent on food imports.
JULY 14, 2020

Turning the Tides

Their consistency and predictability makes tidal energy attractive, not only as a source of electricity but, potentially, as a mechanism to provide reliability and resilience to regional or local power grids.
JUNE 30, 2020

'Rooting' for Brachypodium Genes

Plant scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have garnered the most comprehensive—and first ever—genetic level dataset of the rooting process in a flowering model grass.
APRIL 21, 2020

Beneath It All

At PNNL, subsurface science inhabits two separate but interlocking worlds. One looks at basic science, the other at applied science and engineering. Both are funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
MARCH 12, 2020

Tracking Toxics in the Salish Sea

With the help of a diagnostic tool called the Salish Sea Model, researchers found that toxic contaminant hotspots in the Puget Sound are tied to localized lack of water circulation and cumulative effects from multiple sources.