Fossil Energy
Fossil Energy
From fundamental science
to field deployment
From fundamental science
to field deployment
Equipment used for a Carbon Capture program, which is developing novel solvents for better capturing CO2 from a coal powered power plant.
Andrea Starr | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
At PNNL, we are reducing U.S. dependence on imported oil through innovations for increasingly efficient, sustainable energy production from oil, natural gas, and coal. These carbon-emitting energy sources will continue to serve a crucial role in the global energy mix and will be necessary to support increased use of renewable energy for the foreseeable future.
Our research innovations, from the atomic level to field deployment, support the transition toward a lower-carbon energy future. We integrate chemistry, material science, and process engineering to develop technologies that more efficiently convert hydrocarbons into power, fuels, and chemicals—all critical to environmentally and economically viable production and use of fossil energy.
We contribute scientific understanding, tools, and expertise to safely design and implement permanent geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2). We also develop sustainable, cost-effective technologies to support the recovery of oil and gas resources from unconventional environments, such as deep water and the arctic, both onshore and offshore.
Our advanced hydrocarbon conversion researchers focus on advanced materials, catalysts, transformational processes, and integrated systems to support the conversion of fossil hydrocarbons to electricity, fuels, or chemicals. This includes advanced separations technologies for improved efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.