Legislative and
Regulatory Analysis
Connecting policy and technology
Connecting policy and technology
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory maintains a dedicated legislative and regulatory analysis and development capability.
(Image by Alexander Supertramp | Shutterstock.com)
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) maintains a cadre of trained attorney-analysts who perform training, engagement, and capacity building with a broad range of foreign partners and conduct research and analysis on behalf of United States government sponsors.

PNNL’s contributions toward advancing United States nonproliferation objectives result from our drive to build multidisciplinary teams of talented staff from diverse fields who can deliver solutions for effective, real-world applications. Our expert legal and regulatory analysts integrate policy perspectives into technical solutions informed by strong partnerships with United States government partners, other Department of Energy national laboratories, and international end users.
Applications of this capability include:
- Consultation on development of international guidance and best practices for legislative and regulatory frameworks to control chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats and related expertise, materials, and facilities.
- Training and capacity building for United States partner foreign governments to implement international guidance and best practices.
- Research and analysis of United States and international law, particularly related to the control of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear technology, export controls, proliferation finance, and emerging risks in the global nonproliferation regime.
With knowledge and skills in analyzing national and international laws and regulations, staff evaluate the legal implications of technology development and deployment, prepare gap analyses of existing legal frameworks against recognized international standards and best practices, and develop options and guidance for decision makers. PNNL policy experts produce objective and independent analysis and effective solutions to advance United States and international security, promote international treaty implementation, and inform a variety of national security policy decisions.

Subject areas where this capability is applied in ongoing work include:
- Arms control and disarmament;
- Security of hazardous chemical, biological, radioactive, and nuclear materials;
- Nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including international nuclear safeguards, strategic trade controls, and counterproliferation finance; and
- Emerging technologies and risks, including cybersecurity and cyber conflict, space and aerospace, climate change and international security, technology and privacy, and targeted disinformation campaigns.
To connect with our legislative and regulatory team, contact legalframeworks@pnnl.gov.