PNNL has a wellspring of innovations—spanning multiple industries—that are ready to move to markets where they can help increase U.S. competitiveness, grow the economy, and give your organization a distinct advantage. To learn more about a few featured technologies, view our literature and search our database of offerings.
Advanced Manufacturing
ArtSea Inks and Material—novel art media for 2-D and 3-D compositions (downloadable .pdf)
Characterizing the Quality of Ultrasonic Weld Bonds—acoustic sensors find and prevent defects flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Mixing Extruder—breakthrough in additive manufacturing flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Solid Phase Processing technologies for the manufacture of high-performing materials brochure (downloadable .pdf)
Rotating Hammer Riveting Tool—enables lightweight magnesium fasteners flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Analytical Instruments
E-Cell Device - characterizes spent nuclear fuel on the microgram scale flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Nanocartographer Computer Program - doubles as a digital notebook and provides rapid analysis tools flyer (downloadable.pdf)
Rapid Virulence Probe for Detecting Infectious Bacteria flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Identify n-D—geolocation made simple in all directions flyer (downloadable .pdf)
DSOM, providing a comprehensive view of facility energy systems flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Retro-Commissioning Sensor Suitcase flyer (downloadable. pdf)
Data Sciences
Schedule Visualizer—Side-by-Side Comparisons of Schedule Snapshots flyer (downloadable .pdf)
TranSEC: Tracking and Alleviating Urban Congestion flyer (downloadable .pdf)

Energy Storage
INTELLIVENT: A Safety Venting System for Energy Storage System Enclosures flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Innovations on Low-Cost Production of Si-Based High-Performance Li-Ion Batteries flyer (downloadable .pdf)
In-Situ Health Monitoring of Flow Batteries flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Integrated Photoelectrochemical Energy Storage Cell flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Lithium Phosphate Sulfide Solid Electrolyte flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Si-Based High-Performance Li-Ion Batteries flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Temperature-Based Hibernating Battery flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Thin and Flexible Air-Stable Sulfide Solid-State Electrolytes flyer (downloadable.pdf)
Animal-Tracking Technologies brochure (downloadable .pdf)
Carbon Capture an Utilization: Simple, Cost-Efficient Solvents Reduce CO2 from Stationary Emitters flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Lab-on-a-Fish—underwater monitoring system that advances knowledge about aquatic species and their environment flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Particle Separation for Oil and Gas Drilling Fluids flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Self-Healing Cement—dynamically repairs itself to extend its useful lifespan brochure (downloadable .pdf)
SLIC Foul-Releasing Coating—protection from biofouling flyer (downloadable .pdf)
ThermalTracker-3D—stereo-vision solution for tracking wildlife behavior around remote wind turbines flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Water Flux Probe—a more complete understanding of subsurface water and groundwater interactions flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Homeland & National Security
Acoustic Gunshot Detection Technology—detects weapon being fired and its caliber; alerts authorities flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Airport Risk Assessment Model—data-driven, risk-based decision analytics for resource allocation flyer (downloadable.pdf)
Whole-Body, Footwear Screening Technologies new systems can improve threat detection and the passenger experience flyer (downloadable .pdf)
VitalTag—wearable health monitor wirelessly sends patient’s vital signs in mass casualty incidents flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Power Grid Modernization
Cybersecurity Solutions for Critical Operational Technologies interactive IP catalogue (downloadable .pdf)
Grid Modernization IP interactive catalogue (downloadable .pdf)
PRIME—an interactive, real-time control environment flyer (downloadable .pdf)
SerialTap Cybersecurity Tool—enabling complete situational awareness in control systems flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Transactive Energy Control IP interactive catalogue (downloadable .pdf)
TRAST (Transformative Remedial Action Scheme Tool)—preventative measures for real-world reliability flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Technology Transfer
Technology Test Drive, exploratory license provides six-month technology access flyer (downloadable .pdf)
Your Technology & Innovation Partner—bringing innovation to market brochure (downloadable .pdf)