Module Specifications
Distinction between model and module.
Module Groupings and Types
Boundary Conditions
Plus Operators : pls
Sync Operators : syn
User Defined : usr
Each document (in pdf format) includes requirements, recommendations, specifications, test plan and references for FRAMES Modules currently available.
- ATO Module - FRAMES User Defined Atmospheric Concentration and Deposition File Module Documentation
- BBF Module - FRAMES User Defined Body Burden Concentration File Module Documentation
- EPF Module - FRAMES User Defined Exposure Pathways File Module Documentation
- RIF Module - Test Plan and Baseline Testing Results for FRAMES User Defined Receptor Intake File (RIF) Module User Interface
- Source Module - FRAMES User Defined Source Release Module Documentation. Source includes AFF, SCF, WCF and WFF files.
- WCF Module - FRAMES User Defined Water Concentration File Module
Aquatic Benchmarks : ebf
Aquatic Organism Selector : aos
Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor : bsa
Constituent : con
Terrestrial Benchmarks : tbf
Terrestrial Organism Selector : tos
Terrestrial Screening Levels : tsl
- MMEDE - A description of a constituent database module available in FRAMES 1.x.
Eco Exposure & Risk
Eco Health Effects : efx
Eco Receptor Intake : eco
Eco Tissue Concentrations : ecx
Fate & Transport
Air : air
Source : src
Vadose Zone : vad
Aquifer : aqu
Surface Water : riv
Overland Flow : ovl
Human Exposure & Risk
Exposure Pathways : exp
Receptor Intakes : rcp
Health Impacts : hei
RAGS : rpt
Report Generator : nes
Viewers : vwr
- FRAMES viewers - Description of viewer modules available in FRAMES 1.x
Sensitivity : sen
- SUM3 - Description of sensitivity and uncertainty module available in FRAMES 1.x
Import Guidance
SDK Introduction - The introduction page for the Software Developer Kit.
SDK 1.1-1.3 - Call Arguments, ERR file, GID file, and Reading module sections in FRAMES specified files.
SDK 2.0 - Example of module inclusion
SDK Tools - Software Development Tools