The software system Framework for Risk Analysis in Multimedia Environmental Systems (FRAMES), developed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) includes steps for requirements analysis, design, specification, and development, with testing and quality assurance composing a critical portion of each step. This report describes the terminology used in the system documentation and provides a list of commonly used acronyms and abbreviations.
aerated tank source module-module within the Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models the release of constituents from an aerated tank; for modeling purposes, the only environmental release mechanism assumed for this source type is volatilization of constituents to the air; provides input to air module only.
air module-fate and transport module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent transport through air pathway; receives input from source modules; may provide input to watershed module, surface water module, farm foodchain module, terrestrial foodchain module, and human exposure module.
aquatic foodchain module-foodchain module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that simulates constituent movement through water-based foodchain; receives input from surface water module; may provide input to ecological risk module, ecological exposure module, and human risk module.
aquifer module-fate and transport module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent behavior through ground water; receives input from vadose zone module; may provide input to surface water module, farm foodchain module, and human exposure module.
assumption-statement regarding scientific basis of how a computer program models a real-world activity or occurrence.
baseline-a system or module that has been designed, developed, and initially tested to meet a particular need, either internal to Laboratory or for a client.
boundary condition-physical real-world description of measurements or calculated data between two modules.
chemical properties database-collection of data on properties of chemicals of interest, including such information as molecular weight and density.
change request-a written request (or a verbal request written down) by a client or other user of an environmental software system to modify that system. Changes can include enhancements or revisions to solve identified problems. Each change is tracked separately.
change request summary-summary of all activities related to a particular change in a module or system. summary is completed by project custodian.
Chemical Properties Processor-processor that gathers appropriate chemical properties data from chemical properties database to supply necessary information to Site Definition Processor and modules within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor.
code-information provided to guide a computer system through a particular process. Both modules and frameworks depend on code to function properly.
compiler-computer program that converts higher-level language to machine language to allow easier sharing of information between programs; adds instructions and subroutines to original program.
component-a piece of a software system, for example, module, module user interface, model, pre/post-processor, or framework user interface.
Computational Optimization Processor-processor that assimilates exposure and risk scenario as contained in Site Definition Files and establishes, based on specific rules, a modified scenario that is technically complete and computationally efficient.
Conceptual Site Model- CSM is built by user based on site specifications. site is reconstructed on screen by choosing icons to represent real or potential flow of contamination. Each icon on Conceptual Site screen represents a real entity. lines connecting icons on screen visually show path that constituent follows.
database-collection of data, generated external to FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System, arranged for ease of retrieval by various computer programs.
data file-collection of data generated by FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System arranged for ease of retrieval by various computer programs.
data group-collection of related parameters (for example, data describing site atmospheric conditions) within a database or data file.
Data Processor II-processor developed by EPA to access appropriate data from MET (meteorological) database for modules in Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor.
design-noun: comprehensive description of how a piece of software will function (that is, how it will meet its requirements); hence, a design document includes such a description.
verb: to identify how a piece of software will function and meet its requirements; hence, we design a piece of software by writing down description. In either case, for FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System, design includes short-term, as well as longer-term, capabilities of software. Also, process of determining appropriate ways of meeting client and user requirements
development-process of programming to meet user requirements as specified in software design.
directory-collection of files and subdirectories.
Distribution Statistics Processor-processor that randomly samples from statistical distributions representing measurement variability and sampling error related to statistics of parameters required by models (for example, distribution, mean, standard deviation, and range).
dynamic link library-modular set of routines that link to their calling programs at run time rather than during compilation; standardizes a common set of routines used by more than one program.
ecological exposure module-exposure module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that calculates exposure to ecological receptors; may receive input from terrestrial foodchain module and aquatic foodchain module; provides input to ecological risk module.
ecological risk module-risk module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that calculates risk (or hazard quotient) to ecological receptors; receives input from ecological exposure module; provides input to exit level processor.
environmental software system-a set of modules with a framework designed to analyze risk to human health or environment through multiple environmental media.
error/bug-a difficulty encountered by user when applying software system that hinders application for which system was intended.
executable-self-contained set of coded instructions designed to process and control a particular component of FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System.
Exit Level Processors-processors that use individual site simulations generated by Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor to tabulate information for determining levels of protection on exit criteria for contamination; ELP I produces Risk Summary Output File; ELP II takes Risk Summary Output File and generates Protective Summary Output File. Risk Summary Output File becomes input to Risk Visualization Processor. two files generated by ELPs contain site-based exposure and risk information that is used to establish a national distribution of risks. national distribution of risks, and all related data, forms technical basis for EPA to select chemical-specific levels for each source type.
exposure and risk modules-modules within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that calculate risk numbers or hazard quotients for either human or ecological receptors; includes human exposure module, ecological risk module, ecological exposure module, and human risk module.
farm foodchain module-foodchain module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that simulates constituent movement through a farm-related foodchain; may receive input from aquifer module, air module, and surface water module; provides input to human exposure module.
fate and transport modules-modules within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that simulate constituent behavior through a sequence of environmental media; include air module, watershed module, vadose zone module, aquifer module, and surface water module.
file-see data file.
foodchain modules-modules within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that simulate constituent movement through a particular food web to human or ecological receptors; include farm foodchain module, aquatic foodchain module, and terrestrial foodchain module. FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System-name of technology being developed to automate EPA's HWIR Assessment Strategy; FRAMES in this context stands for Framework for Risk Analysis in Multimedia Environmental Systems and is a software system developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for U.S. Department of Energy.
framework-mechanism for holistically linking a variety of models while ensuring compatible input and outputs and maintaining development of testing legacy of individual components.
A software framework integrates different components of a modeling system together to provide a consistent and efficient architecture to conduct scientific research and analyses. components of a framework are a 1) user interface, 2) module types, 3) models within a module type, and 4) system databases..
geographic reference point-latitude and longitude used to locate a site geographically; point is translated into Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates to facilitate location of various physical entities (for example, streams and receptors) at a site.
Global Results Files-collection of data groups populated by execution of appropriate models in appropriate sequence in Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor and used to provide input to Exit Level Processors. Each site and each pathway of exposure has a Global Results File; these files are stored in a common directory.
human exposure module-exposure module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models how humans might be exposed to contamination through various environmental pathways; may receive input from aquifer module, air module, surface water module, farm foodchain module, and aquatic foodchain module; provides input to human risk module.
human risk module-risk module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that simulates human health impact that might result from exposures by human receptors to contamination in environmental pathways; receives input from human exposure module; provides input to exit level processor.
HWIR Assessment Strategy-scientific approach used for EPA initiative to assess hazardous waste sites for potential to exit Industrial Subtitle D status for particular waste streams. HWIR Assessment Strategy is documented in draft report (Marin and Saleem 1997) A Preliminary Framework for Finite-Source Multimedia, Multipathway, and Multireceptor Risk Assessment (3MRA).
HWIR Input/Output Dynamic Link Library-modular set of routines to simplify interface between existing and new codes; provide a flexible and expandable storage format for input and output.
HWIR Monte Carlo Dynamic Link Library-modular set of routines to simplify interface between Statistical DLL and system components; allows Statistical DLL to run with various compilers.
HWIR Statistical Dynamic Link Library-modular set of routines that facilitate calculation of statistical parameters for several system components.
implementation-resource- and schedule-constrained translation of design into an operating software system.
input-data, information, or code that is needed by a module to function.
input/output specifications-detailed descriptions of data and their format; necessary to allow processors and modules within processors to transfer information effectively with each other.
land application unit source module-module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent release from a land application unit; for modeling purposes, includes volatilization and particulate suspension to air, leaching, and overland release mechanisms; utilizes two distinct models, one with input surface hydrology that will sample annual average values for infiltration, runoff, and evapotranspiration from regional distributions while estimating erosion on an annual average based on a random sampling of appropriate parameters; one with simulated surface hydrology that will function at source and reflect a precipitation event-based methodology using daily meteorological data and source surface cover data to simulate infiltration, runoff, evapotranspiration, and erosion; may provide input to air module, watershed module, and vadose zone module.
landfill source module-module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent release from a landfill; for modeling purposes, includes volatilization and particulate suspension to air, leaching, and overland release mechanisms; utilizes two distinct models, one with input surface hydrology that will sample annual average values for infiltration, runoff, and evapotranspiration from regional distributions while estimating erosion on an annual average based on a random sampling of appropriate parameters; one with simulated surface hydrology that will function at source and reflect a precipitation event-based methodology; uses daily meteorological data and source surface cover data to simulate infiltration, runoff, evapotranspiration, and erosion; may provide input to air module, watershed module, and vadose zone module.
legacy code or legacy model-models or programs developed before FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System development effort that will be used to implement some portion of HWIR Assessment Strategy and may require modification for efficient use.
limitation-a characteristic of a given model that bounds how results are estimated, provided, or interpreted.
location-geographic reference point for a site in latitude/longitude coordinates (UTM coordinates will also be used).
Met (meteorological) database-collection of data related to meteorological phenomena at or near hazardous waste facilities.
model-noun: scientifically based computer calculations that simulate physical or physiological phenomena.
verb: to execute a set of scientifically based calculations to simulate physical or physiological phenomena.
model error statistics database-collection of data describing likelihood of errors in particular scientific models used in system; provides input to Site Definition Processor.
modification-a change to or process of changing a baselined module or framework. Modifications can be enhancements or revisions to fix a particular problem such as an error or bug..
module-(generic definition) a user interface, scientific model, and possible pre/post-processors that together provide a tool for analyzing environmental phenomena, these modules may be related to a particular environmental media (water, air, soil, etc.), health risk based, statistically based, or any other set of scientific formulations used to model environment.
module-(specific definition) components within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that, when collectively viewed and applied to a site, represent modeling system for conducting exposure and risk assessment. A module comprises some combination or subset of model, pre-processor, post-processor, and module user interface. For HWIR Assessment Strategy, modules include source modules, fate and transport modules, foodchain modules, and exposure and risk modules.
Module Execution Manager-component within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that manages flow of information within modules, as well as storage of information.
Module User Interface-MUI is computer screens that make it easy to collect data necessary to run model. Besides gathering necessary data, user interface often provides online help to user, reference storage options for collected data, flexible unit inputs, and other user support functions..
Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor-implements release, transport, exposure, and risk/hazard assessment modeling protocol by choosing and linking appropriate models to supply results to Exit Level Processors; consists of a Module Execution Manager and a collection of individual software modules each representing one of fundamental elements of risk assessment process (see module).
multiple media-potential portions of environment through which a human, animal, or plant might be exposed to contamination (for example, water, air, soil, etc.)
object-oriented-practice of breaking down a system into its unique and logical components, then developing those components only once and applying them to system. Each individual components purpose is well defined and testable.
output-data, information, or code that results from a module functioning.
output specifications-see input/output specifications.
overland pathway-potential route of contamination from waste management unit to a human or ecological receptor through environmental media.
package-information, documentation, print outs, diagrams, and/or electronic files that document activities conducted under a particular project or task for a particular stage in software development life cycle (requirements package for requirements analysis, software development package for design and development, software test package for testing, user's guidance and training package for implementation, and change package for modifying baselined systems or modules).
parameter-an input or output value associated with calculations in a model or module.
pre/post-processor-additional code necessary to reconcile module input/output with output/input needs from other system framework..
processor-program within FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System (that is, Distribution Statistics Processor, Site Layout Processor, Site Definition Processor, Chemical Properties Processor, Computational Optimization Processor, Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor, Risk Visualization Processor, and Exit Level Processors) that results in a series of changes to data or data groups to support HWIR Assessment Strategy.
program-a computer procedure for solving a problem, including collecting data, processing, and presenting results.
project management plan-description of ways in which an activity will be conducted to meet client needs.
project team-various staff assigned to develop a system or module to meet client needs.
Protective Summary Output File-collection of data generated by Exit Level Processor II to show a range of levels at which a chemical concentration would be considered to provide minimal impacts to human health and environment. (Note term protective has yet to be defined..
regional/national environmental setting distribution statistics databases-collection of data containing stochastic parameters (a subset of Site Definition File data) whose stochastic characteristics are themselves described with statistical distributions; one database contains information on environmental parameters collected for specific regions of country identified by latitude/longitude descriptions; other contains information on environmental parameters at a national level; data are used by Distribution Statistics Processor.
regional/national static databases-collection of data containing individual parameters (a subset of Site Definition File data); one database contains information on environmental parameters collected for specific regions of country identified by latitude/longitude descriptions; other contains information on environmental parameters at a national level; data are used by Site Definition Processor.
regional/national statistics databases-collection of data containing individual parameters (a subset of Site Definition File data) with statistical distribution characteristics themselves described with statistical distributions; one database contains information on environmental parameters collected for specific regions of country identified by latitude/longitude descriptions; other contains information on environmental parameters at a national level; data are generated by Distribution Statistics Processor for use by Site Definition Processor.
requirements-characteristics and behaviors that a piece of software must possess to function adequately for its intended purpose.
requirements package-information, documentation, print outs, diagrams, and/or electronic files that document objectives, activities, constraints, and other information that specify what client needs new system or module to accomplish and how client will use system.
Risk Summary Output File-collection of data generated by Exit Level Processor I to summarize risk to human and ecological receptors under a variety of scenarios associated with a particular site and chemical.
Risk Visualization Processor-processor that generates graphical representations of various aspects of risk information; receives input from Risk Summary Output File.
run-see simulation.
shared routine-computer program made available to other programs for use in conducting common tasks.
shareware-see shared routine.
simulation-a single execution of Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor and associated processors in which Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor executes modules defined for that specific scenario.
site-for purposes of HWIR Assessment Strategy, an Industrial Subtitle D facility with one or more waste management units within a bounded area of approximately 20 km2.
Site Definition Files-collection of data groups that result from executing Site Definition Processor; provides input to Computational Optimization Processor; represents a complete data set for implementation of Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor.
Site Definition Processor-processor that organizes all data for input to Site Definition Files by accessing databases containing all necessary information and executing a hierarchical protocol to read these data files and extract required data; it also provides preliminary simulation plan and control information that could be used by Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor.
site delineation database-collection of data describing environmental features at hazardous waste facilities, using a grid to locate key features; provides input to Site Layout Processor to translate grid information for use in site-based database.
Site Layout Processor-processor that translates grid information related to environmental features at particular sites for use in site-based database.
Site Simulation Files-collection of optimized data groups based on Site Definition Files that result from execution of Computational Optimization Processor for input to Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor.
site survey database-collection of data describing latitude and longitude for each site being simulated.
software development package-information, documentation, print outs, diagrams, and/or electronic files that document methods by which client requirements will be met.
software test package- information, documentation, print outs, diagrams, and/or electronic files that document how system, module, or change will be tested to ensure that it meets client requirements.
source code-original text version of a software program in a certain computer language. source code is compiled into an executable format by appropriate compiler.
source modules-modules within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that model constituent release for a particular source type: aerated tank, land application unit, landfill, surface impoundment, and waste pile.
spaghetti code-needlessly convoluted or complex code.
specification-detailed description of an interface to a computer program or set of subroutines allowing another programmer to develop a program that would make proper use of subroutines.
Statement of work-description of activities to be accomplished for a particular client and methods by which they will be accomplished.
surface impoundment.
surface water module-a fate and transport module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation processor that models constituent behavior in surface waters such as streams, lakes and ponds; may receive input from aquifer module, air module, and watershed module; may provide input to aquatic foodchain module, farm foodchain module, and human exposure module.
System User Interface-interface that allows user to interact with system and connects, interacts with, and directs other processors housed in FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System, managing overall execution of software system.
terrestrial foodchain module-foodchain module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that simulates constituent movement through terrestrial food web to ecological receptors; may receive input from air module and surface water module; provides input to ecological risk/exposure module.
test-an activity designed to assess quality of a component. As applied to documents, tests consist of critical reviews. As applied to software, tests are specific cases executed to verify a requirement or uncover an error. process of checking that systems or modules meet client requirements and function within necessary settings.
test plan-a detailed procedure for conducting a software test program. Test plans include a description of component being tested, a summary of requirements being tested, detailed descriptions of test cases, including instructions necessary for conducting each test, and expected results for each test to provide some criteria for deciding whether or not test was successful.
transformation products-byproducts produced from chemicals as a result of environmental degradation.
user-person who will use system or module to estimate risks to human health or environment.
vadose zone module-a fate and transport module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent behavior in subsurface above ground water; may receive input from land application unit, landfill, waste pile, and surface impoundment source modules; provides input to aquifer module.
variable-an input or output parameter whose value can vary based on calculations in a model or module.
waste management unit-a single source of contamination that could result in constituent release to multiple environmental media; may include more than one of a single source type (for example, three aerated tanks in a grouping might be one waste management unit).
waste pile source module-module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent release from a waste pile; for modeling purposes includes volatilization and particulate suspension to air, leaching, and overland release mechanisms; utilizes two distinct models, one with input surface hydrology that will sample from regional distributions annual average values for infiltration, runoff, and evapotranspiration while estimating erosion on an annual average based on a random sampling of appropriate parameters; and one with simulated surface hydrology that will function at source and reflect a precipitation event-based methodology using daily meteorological data and source surface cover data to simulate infiltration, runoff, evapotranspiration, and erosion; may provide input to air module, surface water module, vadose zone module, and watershed module.
watershed module-a fate and transport module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that simulates constituent movement overland and through interconnected creeks and rivers comprising a regional watershed; may receive input from land application, landfill, and waste pile source modules, and air module; provides input to surface water module.
ABF-Aquatic Bioaccumulation Factors Data Table; table used by Chemical Properties Processor to determine these factors for a particular simulation.
ActBio-Activated Biodegradation Data Table; table used by Chemical Properties Processor to determine this type of biodegradation for a particular simulation.
AerBio-Aerobic Biodegradation Data Table; table used by Chemical Properties Processor to determine this type of biodegradation for a particular simulation.
AF-aquatic foodchain module; foodchain module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that simulates constituent movement through water-based foodchain.
AFF-Air Flux Fil.
AnaBio-Anaerobic Biodegradation Data Table; table used by Chemical Properties Processor to determine this type of biodegradation for a particular simulation.
AQ-aquifer module; fate and transport module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent behavior through ground water.
AR-air module; fate and transport module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent transport through air pathway..
ASCII-American Standard Code for Information Interchange; language used by many components of FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System to facilitate interchange of information.
AT-aerated tank source module; module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models release of constituents from an aerated tank.
ATO-Atmospheric Transport Output File
BBF-Body Burden Fil.
Cw (concentration of chemical in waste stream)-concentration of chemicals associated with a representative sample of a generator waste stream before disposal.
CAT-Catalyzed Hydrolysis Data Table; table used by Chemical Properties Processor to determine these factors for a particular simulation.
CDF-Cumulative Distribution Function; mathematical expression of variability within a parameter.
COP-Computational Optimization Processor; processor that assimilates exposure and risk scenario as contained in Site Definition Files and establishes, based on specific rules, a modified scenario that is technically complete and computationally efficient..
CPP-Chemical Properties Processor; processor that gathers appropriate chemical properties data from chemical properties database to supply necessary information to Site Definition Processor and modules within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor.
CP.SSF-Chemical Properties Site Simulation File; file containing appropriate chemical properties data to Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor.
CSM-Conceptual Site Model is built by user based on site specifications. site is reconstructed on screen by choosing icons to represent real or potential flow of contamination. Each icon on Conceptual Site screen represents a real entity. lines connecting icons on screen visually show path that constituent follows.
DIC-Dictionary File; data files used to identify appropriate parameters for each type of Site Simulation File in system.
DLL-dynamic link library; a modular set of routines that link to their calling programs at run time rather than during compilation; standardizes a common set of routines used by more than one program.
DOE-United States Department of Energy.
DSP-Distribution Statistics Processor; processor that randomly samples from statistical distributions representing measurement variability and sampling error related to statistics of parameters required by models (for example, distribution, mean, standard deviation, and range).
EB-Ecological Benchmarks Data Table; table used by Chemical Properties Processor to determine these species for a particular simulation.
EBF-Ecological Bioaccumulation Factors Data Table; table used by Chemical Properties Processor to determine these factors for a particular simulation.
EE-ecological exposure module; exposure module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that calculates exposure to ecological receptors.
ELP-Exit Level Processor; processors that take individual site simulations generated by Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor and tabulate information to discern levels of protection for decisions on exit criteria for contamination.
EPA-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; agency charged with conducting an assessment of hazardous waste concentration appropriate to protect human health and environment in waste management units.
EPF-Exposure Pathways File
EXF-Ecological Effects File.
ER-ecological risk module; risk module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that calculates risk (or hazard quotient) to ecological receptors.
FF-farm foodchain module; foodchain module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that simulates constituent movement through a farm-related foodchain.
FRAMES-Framework for Risk Analysis in Multimedia Environmental Systems; software system developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which forms base for FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System.
FUI-Framework User Interface
GIS-Geographic Information System; program designed to translate geographic information into a graphical overlay.
GRF-Global Results Files; collection of data groups populated by execution of appropriate models in appropriate sequence in Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor and used to provide input to Exit Level Processors. Each site and each pathway of exposure has a Global Results File; these files are stored in a common directory.
HE-human exposure module; exposure module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models how humans might be exposed to contamination through various environmental pathways.
HIF-Health Impacts Fil.
HHB-Human Health Benchmarks Data Table; table used by Chemical Properties Processor to determine these health factors for a particular simulation.
HR-human risk module; risk module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that simulates human health impact that might result from exposures by human receptors to contamination in environmental pathways.
HWIR-Hazardous Waste Identification Rule; assessment of hazardous waste concentration appropriate to protect human health and environment in waste management units.
HWIRIO.DLL-HWIR Input/Output Dynamic Link Library; a modular set of routines to simplify interface between existing and new codes; provides a flexible and expandable storage format for input and output.
HWIRMC.DLL-HWIR Monte Carlo Dynamic Link Library; a modular set of routines to simplify interface between Statistical Dynamic Link Library and system components and to allow Statistical DLL to run with various compilers.
LAU-land application unit source module; module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent release from a land application unit.
LF-landfill source module; module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent release from a landfill.
Met-meteorological (that is, meteorological database).
MethBio-Methanogenic Biodegradation Data Table; table used by Chemical Properties Processor to determine this type of biodegradation for a particular simulation.
MICP-Metal/Inorganic Chemical Property Data Table; table used by Chemical Properties Processor to identify basic chemical properties for these types of chemicals for a particular simulation.
MMSP-Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor; implements release, transport, exposure, and risk/hazard assessment modeling protocol by choosing and linking appropriate models to supply results to Exit Level Processors; consists of a collection of individual software modules, each representing a modeling-based approach to one of fundamental elements of risk assessment process.
MUI-Module User Interfac.
OCP-Organic Chemical Property Data Table; table used by Chemical Properties Processor to determine whether to identify basic chemical properties for these types of chemicals for a particular simulation.
OPPI-Office of Policy, Planning, and Information; a now out-of-existence EPA group that developed a comprehensive database listing site location information for waste facilities.
ORD-Office of Research and Development; EPA group responsible for development of FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System.
OSW-Office of Solid Waste; EPA group responsible for development of assessment strategy for FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System.
PNNL-Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; organization designing FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System and developing most of processors.
PSOF-Protective Summary Output File; collection of data generated by Exit Level Processor II to show a range of levels at which a chemical concentration would be considered to provide minimal impacts to human health and environment. (Note term protective has yet to be defined.)
QA/QC-Quality Assurance and Quality Control
RIF-Receptor Intake File.
RSOF-Risk Summary Output File; collection of data generated by Exit Level Processor I to summarize risk to human and ecological receptors under a variety of scenarios associated with a particular site and chemical.
RVP-Risk Visualization Processor; processor that generates graphical representations of various aspects of risk information; receives input from Risk Summary Output File.
SCF-Soil Concentration File.
SDF-Site Definition Files; collection of data groups that result from executing Site Definition Processor.
SDP-Site Definition Processor; processor that organizes all data for input to Site Definition Files by accessing databases containing all necessary information and executing a hierarchical protocol to read these data files and extract required data.
SI-surface impoundment source module; module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent release from a surface impoundment.
SL-site layout; usually describing set of information detailing characteristics of a site for simulation.
SLP-Site Layout Processor; processor that translates grid information related to environmental features at particular sites for use in site-based database.
SO4Bio-SO4 Reduction Biodegradation Data Table; table used by Chemical Properties Processor to determine this type of biodegradation for a particular simulation.
SSF-Site Simulation Files; collection of optimized data groups that result from execution of Computational Optimization Processor for input to Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor.
STAT.DLL-HWIR Statistical Dynamic Link Library; a modular set of routines that facilitate calculation of statistical parameters for several system components.
SUI-System User Interface; interface that allows user to interact with system and connects, interacts with, and directs other processors housed in FRAMES-HWIR Technology Software System, managing overall execution of software system.
SUF-Sensitivity/Uncertainty File
SW-surface water fate and transport module; a fate and transport module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent behavior in surface waters such as streams, lakes, and ponds.
TF-terrestrial foodchain module; foodchain module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that simulates constituent movement through terrestrial food web to ecological receptors.
TP-Transformation Products Data Table; set of seven tables used by Chemical Properties Processor to describe various types of transformation for a particular simulation.
UTM-Universal Transverse Mercator; a simple and accurate system for specifying a point between 80 degrees South latitude and 84 degrees North latitude on surface of Earth.
VZ-vadose zone fate and transport module; a fate and transport module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent behavior in subsurface above groundwater.
WCF-Water Concentration File
WFF-Water Flux File
WMU-waste management unit; a single source of contamination that could result in constituent release to multiple environmental media; may include more than one of a single source type (for example, three aerated tanks in a grouping might be one waste management unit).
WP-Waste Pile Source Module; module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that models constituent release from a waste pile.
WS-Watershed Fate and Transport Module; fate and transport module within Multimedia Multipathway Simulation Processor that simulates constituent movement overland and through interconnected creeks and rivers comprising a regional watershed.