Latest Stories

136 results found
Filters applied: Advanced Lighting, Grid Integration of Renewable Energy, Threat Analysis, Nuclear Material Science
JANUARY 20, 2022

The Value of Wind Energy

Two PNNL studies that describe the potential value of offshore wind off the Oregon Coast and distributed wind in Alaska were published in the journal Energies.
AUGUST 12, 2021

Zeroing in on Zoonotic Diseases

A Q&A with Lauren Charles, veterinarian and PNNL data scientist, on zoonotic diseases and the role biosurveillance plays in mitigating the growing threat to global health.
APRIL 27, 2021
News Release

Shoe Scanner Technology on the Horizon

A shoe scanner may allow people passing through security screening to keep their shoes on. PNNL built the scanner based on the same technology it used to develop airport scanners. It's licensed to Liberty Defense.
APRIL 6, 2020

Blue Light? Orange Light?

PNNL study evaluated "tunable" lighting and its effects on sleep at study in a California nursing home. Tunable refers to the ability to adjust LED light output and the warmth or coolness of the light color.
NOVEMBER 13, 2019

Let There Be (Acceptable) Light

Advancements such as LEDs have changed consumers’ experience with lighting. Whereas there was once a simple choice of how much light a consumer desired, there’s now a variety of choices to be made about the appearance of light.
AUGUST 2, 2019

The Flicker Phenomenon

A staple in horror movies, flickering lights can also summon potential human health and productivity concerns. PNNL studied hand-held meters that measure flicker, and the results could improve future measurement and lighting strategies.