News & Publications
Salish Sea Model in the News
Public Release of PNNL’s Ocean Biogeochemical Modeling Software
Tracking Toxics in the Salish Sea
Modeling the Future of a Sea
Journal Publications
Khangaonkar, TK, L Premathilake, A Nugraha, J Keister, A Borde. (2021) Projections of algae, eelgrass, and zooplankton ecological interactions in the inner Salish Sea – for future climate, and altered oceanic states. Ecological Modelling, 441(2021): 109420. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2020.109420
Premathilake L, T Khangaonkar. 2019. FVCOM-plume - A three-dimensional Lagrangian outfall plume dilution and transport model for dynamic tidal environments: Model development. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 149: 110554. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.110554
Khangaonkar T, A Nugraha, W Xu, and K Balaguru. 2019. Salish Sea Response to Global Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, and Future Nutrient Loads. JGR Oceans, 124(6): 3876-3904. doi: 10.1029/2018JC014670
Khangaonkar T, A Nugraha, and T Wang. 2019. Hydrodynamic Zone of Influence Due to a Floating Structure in a Fjordal Estuary—Hood Canal Bridge Impact Assessment. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 6(4): 119-140. doi: 10.3390/jmse6040119
Nugraha A and T Khangaonkar. 2019. Detailed Hydrodynamic Feasibility Assessment for Leque Island and Zis a Ba Restoration Projects. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 6(4): 140-162. doi: 10.3390/jmse6040140
Khangaonkar T, A Nugraha, W Xu, W Long, L Bianucci, A Ahmed, T Mohamedali, and G Pelletier. 2018. Analysis of Hypoxia and Sensitivity to Nutrient Pollution in Salish Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 123(7): 4735-4761. doi: 10.1029/2017JC013650
Bianucci L, W Long, T Khangaonkar, G Pelletier, A Ahmed, T. Mohamedali, M Roberts, C. Figueroa-Kaminsky. (2018). Sensitivity of the regional ocean acidification and the carbonate system in Puget Sound to ocean and freshwater inputs. Elementa Science of the Anthropocene, 6(1): 22. doi: 10.1525/elementa.151
Khangaonkar T, A Nugraha, S Hinton, D Michalsen D, S Brown. 2017b. Sediment Transport into the Swinomish Navigation Channel, Puget Sound—Habitat Restoration versus Navigation Maintenance Needs. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 5(2): 1-22 doi: 10.3390/jmse5020019
Khangaonkar T, W Long, and W Xu. 2017a. Assessment of circulation and inter-basin transport in the Salish Sea including Johnstone Strait and Discovery Islands pathways. Ocean Modelling, 109: 11-32. doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.11.004
Khangaonkar T, W Long, B Sackmann, T Mohamedali, and A Hamlet. 2016. Sensitivity of Circulation in the Skagit River Estuary to Sea Level Rise and Future Flows. Northwest Science, 90(1): 94-118. doi: 10.3955/046.090.0108
Wang T, T Khangaonkar, W Long, and G Gill. 2014. Development of a Kelp-Type Structure Module in a Coastal Ocean Model to Assess the Hydrodynamic Impact of Seawater Uranium Extraction Technology. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2(1): 81-92. doi: 10.3390/jmse2010081
Khangaonkar T and T Wang. 2013. Potential alteration of fjordal circulation due to a large floating structure—Numerical investigation with application to Hood Canal basin in Puget Sound. Applied Ocean Research, 39: 146-157. doi: 10.1016/j.apor.2012.11.003
Khangaonkar T, B Sackmann, W Long, T Mohamedali, and M Roberts. 2012. Simulation of annual biogeochemical cycles of nutrient balance, phytoplankton bloom(s), and DO in Puget Sound using an unstructured grid model. Ocean Dynamics, 62(9): 1353-1379. doi: 10.1007/s10236-012-0562-4
Kim T and T Khangaonkar. 2012. An Offline Unstructured Biogeochemical Model (UBM) for Complex Estuarine and Coastal Environments. Environmental Modelling & Software, 31: 47-63. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.11.010
Khangaonkar T, Z Yang, T Kim, and M Roberts. 2011. Tidally Averaged Circulation in Puget Sound Sub-basins: Comparison of Historical Data, Analytical Model, and Numerical Model. Journal of Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 93(4): 305-319. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.04.016
Khangaonkar T and Z Yang. 2011. A High Resolution Hydrodynamic Model of Puget Sound to Support Nearshore Restoration Feasibility Analysis and Design. Ecological Restoration, 29(1-2): 173-184. doi: 10.3368/er.29.1-2.173
Yang Z and T Khangaonkar. 2010. Multi-scale Modeling of Puget Sound Using an Unstructured-grid Coastal Ocean Model: from Tide flats to Estuaries and Coastal Waters. Ocean Dynamics, 60(6): 1621-1637. doi: 10.1007/s10236-010-0348-5
Technical Reports
Khangaonkar T, W Xu, A Nugraha, and K Balaguru. 2018. Simulation of Response to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Scenarios. PNNL-27276, prepared for Prepared for Climate Preparedness and Resilience Program by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Seattle, WA.
Pelletier G, L Bianucci, W Long, T Khangaonkar, T Mohamedali, A Ahmed, and C Figueroa-Kaminsky. 2017a. Salish Sea Model Sediment Diagenesis Module. Washington State Department of Ecology. Publication No. 17-03-010, Olympia, WA.
Pelletier G, L Bianucci, W Long, T Khangaonkar, T Mohamedali, A Ahmed, and C Figueroa-Kaminsky. 2017b. Salish Sea Model Ocean Acidification Module and the Response to Regional Anthropogenic Nutrient Sources. Washington State Department of Ecology. Publication No. 17-03-009, Olympia, WA.
Long W, T Khangaonkar, M Roberts, and G Pelletier. 2014. Approach for Simulating Acidification and the Carbon Cycle in the Salish Sea to Distinguish Regional Source Impacts. Publication No. 14-03-002. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA.
Roberts M, T Mohamedali, B Sackmann, T Khangaonkar, and W Long. 2014. Dissolved Oxygen Model Scenarios for Puget Sound and the Straits: Impacts of Current and Future Nitrogen Sources and Climate Change through 2070. Publication No. 14-03-007, Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA.
Khangaonkar T, W Long, B Sackmann, T Mohamedali, and M Roberts. 2012. Puget Sound Dissolved Oxygen Modeling Study: Development of an Intermediate Scale Water Quality Model. PNNL-20384 Rev 1, prepared for the Washington State Department of Ecology (Publication No. 12-03-049), by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Seattle, WA.
Mohamedali T, M Roberts, B Sackmann, and A Kolosseus. 2011. Puget Sound Dissolved Oxygen Model Nutrient Load Summary for 1999-2008. Publication No. 11-03-057, Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA.
Yang Z, T Khangaonkar, RG Labiosa, and T Kim. 2010. Puget Sound Dissolved Oxygen Modeling Study: Development of an Intermediate-Scale Hydrodynamic Model. PNNL-18484, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Seattle, WA.
Khangaonkar T and T Kim. 2009. Model Selection Recommendations for DO Model of Puget Sound. Technical Memorandum prepared for the Washington State Department of Ecology, PNNL, Seattle, WA.
Roberts M, J Bos, and S Albertson. 2008. South Puget Sound Dissolved Oxygen Study. Interim Data Report, Publication No. 08-03-037, Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA.
Yang Z and T Khangaonkar. 2007. Development of a Hydrodynamic Model of Puget Sound and Northwest Straits. PNNL-17161, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Seattle, WA.