46 results found
Filters applied: Transportation, Nuclear Energy, Environmental Management, Offshore Wind

Grid Storage Launchpad

The Grid Storage Launchpad (GSL) is a national capability for energy storage research funded by the Department of Energy Office of Electricity and located on the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) campus in Richland, Washington


The Ion Dynamics in Radioactive Environments and Materials (IDREAM) Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) conducts fundamental science to support innovations in retrieving and processing high-level radioactive waste.

Institute for Integrated Catalysis

The Institute for Integrated Catalysis (IIC) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory explores and develops the chemistry and technology of catalyzed processes that enable a carbon-neutral future.

Isotope Program

The Isotope Program at PNNL supports scientific advances in the production and use of radioisotopes for research, medicine, and industrial applications.

Lidar Buoy Program

PNNL administers two research buoys for the U.S. Department of Energy that allows collection of wind meteorological and oceanographic data off the nation's coasts.

LightMAT Consortium

PNNL is leading a consortium that provides funding opportunities to the automotive industry for accelerating new lightweight technologies in on-highway vehicles.


PREPARES demonstrates linkages between climate or weather conditions and human domain systems by combining quantitative geophysical data with qualitative data.

Remediation Performance Assessment

PNNL has developed performance assessment guidance for remediation of volatile contaminants in the vadose zone, inorganic contaminant remediation in the vadose zone, and pump-and-treat of groundwater contaminant plumes.

Salish Sea Model

The Salish Sea Model (SSM) is a predictive coastal ocean model for estuarine research, restoration planning, water-quality management, and climate change response assessment.


The Suite Of Comprehensive Rapid Analysis Tools for Environmental Sites online tools provide rapid data analytics and visualization of environmental data supporting remedy decisions, optimization, and exit strategies.


STOMP is a suite of numerical simulators for solving problems involving coupled flow and transport processes in the subsurface. The suite of STOMP simulators is distinguished by application areas and solved mathematical equations.