NOTE: The files linked below include amendments and modifications to the PNNL contract and appendices. Modifications that change, delete, or add language to any portion of the prime contract (referred to as "M" Mods) will be posted after execution. Modifications that change the amount obligated by the Government (referred to as "A" Mods) are not posted unless they also change contract language, but are available upon request. These files are provided in this format as a convenience and this is not the official or archival copy of the contract. Although updated frequently, do not assume all modifications are included.

Mod Number Date Description
1578 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1577 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1576 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1575 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1574 Section B Funding Mod
1573 Section B Funding Mod
1572 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1571 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1570 FY25 Section J, Appendix E Updated
1569 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1568 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1567 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1562 Modification to update Part III, Section J, Appendix E - Standards of Performance-Based Fee FY 2025
1566 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1565 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1564 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1563 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1561 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1557 Bilateral modification for Section H - Special Contract Requirements (H-26)
1560 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1559 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1558 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1556 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1555 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1554 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1553 Section B - Funding Modification Obligation of Funds
1552 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1551 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1550 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1548 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Section H, Section I, Appendix C, Appendix D, Appendix F, and Appendix H.
1549 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1547 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1546 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1545 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1544 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
1543 Section B Funding Mod - Deobligation
1542 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1541 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1540 Section B - Funding mod, Obligation of funds
1539 The purpose of this administrative modification is to remove a local use code from
Financial Plan #298 awarded via modification 1538
1538 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1537 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1536 Section B funding Mod - obligation of funds
1535 Section B funding Mod - deobligation of funds
1534 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1533 Section B Funding Mod - Obligations of Funds
1532 Section B Funding Mod - Obligations of Funds
1531 Section B Funding Mod - Obligations of Funds
1530 Unilateral contact mod - obligation of funds, Section B
1529 Section B - Funding Mod Deobligation
1528 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1527 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1526 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1525 Unilateral Section B Funding Mod -Obligation of Funds
1524 Section B unilateral Obligation of Funds
1523 Section B unilateral Obligation of Funds
1522 Section B unilateral Obligation of Funds
1521 Section B Unilateral de-obligation of Funds
1520 Unilateral Obligation of Funds, Section B
1519 Section J Appendix E PEMP 2024 update
1518 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1517 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1516 Unilateral Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1514 Bilateral Contract Modification incorporates changes to Part I, Sections H and Part III, Section J, Appendix C
1515 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1513 unilateral Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
1509 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section C, Description/Specifications/Work Statement - new item 2.6.4; and Part III, Section J, Appendix D, List of Applicable DOE Directives and External Requirements
1512 Unilateral Section B funding mod - obligation of funds
1511 Unilateral Section B funding mod - obligation of funds
1510 Unilateral Section B funding mod - obligation of funds
A1508 Unilateral Section B Funding Mod, Obligation of funds
1506 The purpose of this modification is to revise Part III Section J, Appendix E - Standards of Performance-Based Fee FY 2024 Battelle Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP).
A1507 Unilateral Section B Funding Mod, Obligation of funds
1501 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J Appendices E PEMP
A1505 Unilateral Section B Funding Mod, Obligation of funds
A1504 Unilateral Section B Funding Mod, Obligation of funds
1503 Unilateral Contract Mod, Section B - Obligation of Funds
1502 Unilateral Contract Mod, Section B - Obligation of Funds
1500 Unilateral Contract Mod, Section B - Obligation of Funds
1496 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section F, and Part III, Section J Appendices A and D
1499 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
1498 Section B - Obligation of Funds
1497 Section B - Obligation of Funds
1495 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1494 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1493 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1492 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1491 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1490 Section B Funding Mod - deobligation of Funds
1489 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of Funds
1485 Bilateral Contract Modification incorporates changes to Part I, Sections H and I, Part III, Section J, Appendices A, B and D
A1488 Unilateral Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
A1487 Unilateral Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
A1486 Unilateral Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
A1484 Unilateral Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
A1483 Unilateral Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
A1482 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B Obligation of funds
A1481 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B Obligation of funds
A1480 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B Obligation of funds
A1479 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B Obligation of funds
A1478 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B Obligation of funds
A1477 Bilateral Deobligation of Ukraine Funding, Section B
A1476 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B Obligation of funds
A1475 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B Obligation of funds
A1474 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B Obligation of funds
A1473 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B Obligation of funds
A1472 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B Obligation of funds
A1471 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B
A1470 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B
A1469 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B
A1468 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B
A1467 Unilateral Funding Mod - Section B
A1466 Unilateral Contract Mod, Section B - Obligation of funds
M1465 This Bilateral Contract Modification incorporates changes to Part III Section J, Appendix H List of Approved Laboratory Land/Facilities to add the 3065 South Campus Warehouse to the list of DOE-Owned and approved PNNL work locations.
A1464 Unilateral Contract Mod, Section B - Obligation of funds
A1463 Unilateral Contract Mod, Section B - Obligation of funds
A1462 Unilateral Contract Mod, Section B - Obligation of funds
A1460 Unilateral Contract Mod, Section B - Obligation of funds
A1461 Unilateral Contract Mod, Section B - Obligation of funds
A1459 Unilateral Contract Mod, Obligation of funds, Section B
A1458 Unilateral Contract Mod, Obligation of funds, Section B
A1457 Unilateral Contract Mod, Section B - Obligation of funds
A1456 Unilateral Contract Mod, Obligation of funds, Section B
A1455 Unilateral Contract Mod, Obligation of funds, Section B
A1454 Unilateral Contract Mod, Obligation of funds, Section B
M1453 Bilateral contract modification with updates to Sections H, I, and J, appendicies C and D.
A1452 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
A1451 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
A1450 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
A1449 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
A1448 Section B Funding Mod - Obligation of funds
M1447 Bilateral modification to update Section J, Appendix A
A1446 Obligation notice 1396 - obligation of funds
A1445 Obligation notice 1394 - obligation of funds
A1444 Obligation notice 1393 - obligation of funds
A1443 Obligation notice 1392 - obligation of funds
M1438 Updates to section H-21, remove H-42 Sustainability and add new H-42 and 43 and Section J Appendix D update 206.2 and 420.2D and add 436.1
A1442 Obligation notice 1391 - obligation of funds
A1441 Obligation notice 1390 - obligation of funds
A1440 Obligation notice 1389 - obligation of funds
A1439 Obligation notice 1388 - obligation of funds
M1436 The purpose of this modification is to replace FY2022 PEMP with Part III, Section J, Appendix E - Standards of Performance-Based Fee FY 2023 Battelle Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP)
A1435 The purpose of this administrative modification is to update STRIPES to reflect the extension completed bilaterally in modification 1414. Modification 1414 extended the period of performance from September 30, 2022 to September 30, 2027.
A1437 Obligation notice 1387 - obligation of funds
A1434 Obligation notice 1386 - Obligation of funds
A1433 Obligation notice 1384 - Obligation of funds
A1432 Obligation notice 1384 - Obligation of funds
A1431 Obligation notice 1383 - Obligation of funds
A1430 Obligation notice 1382 - Obligation of funds
A1429 Obligation notice 1380 - deobligation of funds
A1428 Obligation notice 1380 - Obligation of funds
A1427 Obligation Notice 1379 - Obligation of funds
A1424 Obligation Notice 1376 - obligation of funds
A1426 Obligaton Notice 1378 - Non-Appropriated Funding
A1425 Obligation Notice 1377 - Oblication of funds
A1423 Obligation Notice 1375 - Obligation of funds
M1421 Bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Section J Appendix D updating DOE CRDs 460.1D, 460.2B and 472.2A and removing CRD M 460.2-1A
A1422 Obligation notice 1374 - obligation of funds
A1420 Obligation Notice 1373- Obligation of funds
A1417 Obligation Notice 1370 - Obligation of funds
A1418 Obligation Notice 1371 - Non-Appropriated funds
A1419 Obligation Notice 1372 - Obligation of funds
A1415 Obligation Notice 1368 - Obligation of funds
A1416 Obligation notice 1369 - obligation of funds
M1414 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes for the five-year contract extension of Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830, to Part I, Sections B, F, G, H Part II, section I and Part III, Section J.
A1413 Obligation notice 1367 - Section B Funding Mod
A1412 Obligation notice 1366 - Section B Funding Mod
A1410 Obligation notice 1364 - Section B Funding Mod
A1409 Obligation notice 1363 - Section B Funding Mod
A1411 Obligation notice 1365 - Section B Funding Mod
A1408 Obligation notice 1362 - Section B Funding Mod
A1407 Obligation notice 1361 Funding Mod
A1406 Obligation notice 1360 Funding Mod
A1404 Obligation notice 1358 - Deobligation of funds
A1405 Obligation notice 1359 - Deobligation of funds
M1403 Bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Sections F and H; Part III Section J, Appendicies C, D and F
A1402 Obligation notice 1357 - Section B, Obligation of funds
A1400 Obligation notice 1355 - Section B, Obligation of funds
A1401 Obligation notice 1356 - Section B, Obligation of funds
A1399 Obligation notice 1354 - Funding Mod
A1397 Obligation notice 1352 - Section B, Obligation of funds.
A1398 Obligation notice 1353 - Section B, Obligation of funds.
A1394 Obligation Notice 1349 - Obligation of funds.
A1396 Obligation Notice 1351 - Obligation of funds.
A1395 Obligation Notice 1350 - Obligation of funds.
A1393 Obligation Notice 1348 - Obligation of Funds
M1392 This Bilateral contract mod incorporates changes to Part II, Section G, Section I, and Section J Appendicies D and H
A1391 Obligation notice 1347 - Obligation of funds
A1389 Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation Notice 1345, Obligation of funds
A1390 Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation Notice 1346, Obligation of funds
A1388 Obligation Notice 1344 - Obligation of funds
A1387 Obligation Notice 1343 - Obligation of funds
A1386 Obligation Notice 1342- Obligation of Funds
A1385 Obligation Notice 1341 - Obligation of Funds
A1384 Obligation Notice 1340 - Obligation of Funds
M1382 Bilateral contract mod incorporates changes to Part II, Section I, Contract Clauses., add DEAR 970.5216-7, FAR 52.242-4, FAR 52.242-3; Delete DEAR 970.5242-1, and edit DEAR clauses 970.5203-1, 970.5232-2, 970.5232-3, 970.5232-7, 970.5232-8 and 970.5244-1
A1383 Obligation Notice 1339 - Obligation of funds
A1381 Obligation notice 1338 - Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation of funds
A1380 Obligation notice 1337 - Obligation of funds
A1379 Obligation notice 1336 - Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation of funds
A1378 Obligation notice 1335 - Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation of funds
A1376 Obligation Notice 1333 Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation of funds
A1377 Obligation Notice 1334 Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation of funds
A1375 Obligation Notice 1332 Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation of funds
A1374 Obligation Notice 1331 - Obligation of Funds
A1373 Obligation Notice 1330 - Obligation of Funds
A1372 Obligation notice 1329 - Obligation of Funds
A1371 Obligation notice 1328 - obligation of funds
A1370 Obligation notice 1327 - obligation of funds
A1369 Obligation notice 1326 - obligation of funds
M1368 The purpose of this modification is to delete in its entirety Part III, Section J, Appendix E FY21 PEMP and replace it with Part III, Section J, Appendix E FY22 PEMP and incorporate changes to Section J, Appendix D.
M1367 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part II, Section I, Contract Clauses, to add FAR 52.223-99, Ensuring Adequate COVID-19 Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors (OCT 2021) (DEVIATION)
A1364 Obligation notice 1323 - Obligation of Funds
A1366 Obligation notice 1324 - obligation of funds
A1365 Obligation notice 1325 - obligation of funds
A1363 Obligation notice 1322 - Obligation of Funds
A1362 Obligation notice 1321 - Obligation of Funds
A1360 Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation of Funds, Section B
A1361 Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation of Funds, Section B
A1359 Unilateral Obligation of Funds, Section B
A1358 Section B funding Mod
M1357 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section H, (H-46) Special Contract Requirements, and Part III, Section J, List of Attachments - add Appendix J Non-Employee and Employee Categorization Framework
A1356 Unilateral de-obligation of Funds, Section B
A1355 Section B funding Mod
A1354 Section B funding Mod
A1353 Section B funding Mod
M1352 This unilateral Modification replaces Section J, Appendix B incorporating a tri-party Special financial Institution Account(s) Agreement executed June 22, 2021, effective July 1, 2021
M1351 Unilateral contract mod, Obligation of funds
M1348 Bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Sections C, H, I and Section J Appendix D
A1349 Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation of funds
A1350 Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation of funds
A1347 Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation of funds
A1346 Unilateral Contract Modification, Obligation of funds
M1345 Unilateral contract mod - Obligation of funds
M1344 Unilateral contract mod - Obligation of funds
M1343 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1342 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1339 This Bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part II Section I, Contract Clauses; Part III Section J, Lis of Attachments, Appendix D and Appendix G
M1341 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1340 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1338 Obligation notice 1301
M1337 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1336 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section H; Update to H-48
M1335 Unilateral Contract Mod, correction to M1333 and M1334
M1332 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1333 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1334 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1331 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1328 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J, Appendix C, Appendix D and Appendix H
M1330 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1329 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1291 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section F, Part II Section I and Part III, Section J, List of Attachments – Appendix D and Appendix F (See Continuation Pages for the purpose of this modification).
M1327 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1324 Unilateral contract mod, Obligation of funds
M1321 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1322 Unilateral Contract Modification; Obligation of funds
M1323 Unilateral Contract Modification; Deobligation of funds
A1320 Unilateral Contract Mod - Section B Obligation of Funds
A1319 Unilateral Contract Mod - Section B Obligation of Funds
M1318 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section H; Update to H-48
M1315 Unilateral contract mod; obligation of funds
M1314 Unilateral contract mod, obligation of funds
M1312 Unilateral contract modification, Obligation of funds
M1309 The purpose of this modification is to delete in its entirety the current Part III, Section J, Appendix E and replace it with Part III, Section J, Appendix E - Standards of Performance-Based Fee FY 2021 Battelle PEMP
M1296 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J , List of Attachments, Appendix D.
M1306 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section H. (See Continuation Pages for the purpose and description of this modification)
M1300 This Bi-Lateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J, Appendix B.
M1281 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section F, Section G, Section I and Part III, Section J, List of Attachments – Appendix A, C and Appendix D (See Continuation Pages for the purpose of this modification).
M1287 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J, Appendix E, Standards of Performance-Based Fee FY20 Battelle PEMP for the MandO of the PNNL
M1268 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section H, Special Contract Requirements (See Continuation Pages for the purpose and description of this modification
M1266 This bilateral contract modification incorporates administrative changes to Part III, Section J, Appendix E, “Standards of Performance-Based Fee”
M1264 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section H, “Definition of Unusually Hazardous or Nuclear Risk for FAR Clause 52.250-1 Indemnification Under Public Law 85-804."
M1246 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section F, Section G, Section H, Section I and Part III, Section J, List of Attachments – Appendix B and Appendix E (See Continuation Pages for the purpose of this modification
M1229 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J, App D. Added 2 new orders and updated 1 existing.
M1221 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Section H, Part III, Section J, List of Attachments, Part III, Section J Appendices A, C, D and H.
M1202 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Section G, Part III, Section J, List of Attachments, Part III, Section J Appendix B, Part III, Section J Appendix C, and Part III Section J, Appendix J.
M1192 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Section H, Section I, Part III, Section J, List of Attachments, Part III, Section J Appendix D and Part III, Section J Appendix E.
M1182 This mod incorporates changes to Section F, Deliveries or Performance, Section H, Special Contract Requirements, Part lll, Section J, List of Attachments, Part lll, Section J Appendix D, Part lll, Section J, Appendix H, and Part, Section J, Appendix K.
M1163 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Section B, Section F, Section H, Part III, Section J, List of Attachments, Part III, Section J Appendix D and Part III, Section J Appendix C.
M1140 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section C, Section H, Part III, Section J, Appendix A, and Part III, Section J, Appendix D.
M1136 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J, Appendix E (PEMP) and Part III, Section J, Appendix H (List of Approved Laboratory Land/Facilities)
M1124 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section H, Contract Clauses and Part III Section J Appendix D, List of Applicable DOE Directives and Appendix J Advance Agreement on Costs of Battelle Owned Personal Property
M1110 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Sections H and J, Appendix A and D (Real Property, Human Subjects, Travel, ACT Agreements, Human Resources, and Applicable Directives & Requirements)
M1100 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Sections H, I and J, Appendices A, C, and D (Advance Understandings on Human Resources Cost, Subcontracting Plan for Socioeconomic Programs, DOE Directives and External Requirements).
M1089 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Sections G, H, I, and J-Appendix I (Advance Agreement on Costs and Associated Use of Battelle-owned Facilities and Real Property).
M1076 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part III Section J, Appendix E, Standards of Performance-Based Fee FY 2017 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP).
M1070 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section H - Article H-43 Multifactor Authentication for Contractor Information Systems (Jun 2016).
M1067 This bilateral modification incorporates changes for the five-year contract extension of Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830, to Part I Sections B, C, E, F, G, H, Part II, Section I and Part III, Section J, including Appendices A, D, H, I, and J.
M1017 This modification incorporates changes to Part 1, Section H - Special Contract Requirements (H-16, Administration of Subcontracts), Part II, Section I - Contract Clauses (I-16 and I-17, Small Business), and Part III, Section J: Appendix B and Appendix C.
M1057 This bilateral contract modification is to update Section G, Clause G-1 Contract Administration Data and Section H, Clause H-47, Employee Compensation: Pay and Benefits of the contract.
M1048 This modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J - Appendix D List of Applicable DOE Directives and External Requirements and Appendix F Operational Agreement between the Office of Science PNSO and the Office of Environmental Management RL
M1042 This modification includes changes to Part 1, Section E – Inspection and Acceptance, Section G – Contract Administration Data, Section H – Special Contract Requirements, Part II, Section I – Contract Clauses and Part III, Section J, List of Attachments.
M1035 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part II, Section I, Contract Clauses, I-68 Key Personnel.
M1034 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section H, Special Contract Requirements to include clause H-53 Conference Management.
M1033 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J, Appendix H, List of Approved Laboratory Facilities (Owned and Leased).
M1025 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part II, Section I, Contract Clauses, Section J, Appendix D - List of Applicable DOE Directives and Other Requirements, and Appendix J, Advance Agreement on Costs and Associated Use of Battelle-Owned Facilities and Real Property.
M1018 This modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J - Appendix J, Advance Agreement on Costs and Associated Use of Battelle-Owned Facilities and Real Property.
M1010 This modification incorporates changes to Part II, Section I - Contract Clauses, Key Personnel.
M1000 This modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section H Special Contract Requirements and Part II, Section I - Contract Clauses.
M995 This modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section C - Descriptions/Specifications/Work Statement, Part I, Section H - Special Contract Requirements and Part III, Section J, List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments
M991 This modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section C - Descriptions/Specifications/Work Statement, Section F - Deliveries or Performance and Section H - Special Contract Requirements, Part II, Section I - Contract Clauses and Part III, Section J, List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments.
M972 This modification incorporates changes to Part II, Section I - Contract Clauses and Section III - Appendix B Special Financial Institution Account(s) Agreements, and Appendix C - Subcontracting Plan for Socioeconomic Programs.
M971 This modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J, Appendix H - List of Approved Laboratory Land/Facilities (Owned and Leased) and Section III, Section J, Appendix J - Advance Agreement on Costs and Associated Use of Battelle-Owned Facilities and Real Property.
M963 This modification incorporates changes to Part II, Section I - Contract Clauses, and Part III, Section J, List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments, Appendix I, List of Battelle Memorial Institute Legacy Work, and Appendix K, Advance Agreement for Disposition of Battelle Owned Personal Property/Nuclear Materials for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
M962 This modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J - Appendix B Special Financial Institution Account(s) Agreements, Appendix C Subcontracting Plan for Socioeconomic Programs, and Appendix D List of Applicable DOE Directives and Other Requirements.
M957 This modification incorporates CRD O 206.1 - DOE Privacy Program into Section J, Appendix D, and the FY 2014 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan into Section J, Appendix E.
M952 This modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J - Appendix D, List of Applicable DOE Directives and Other Requirements.
M947 This modification incorporates changes to Part 1, Section C, Description/Specifications/Work Statement and Part III, Section J, Appendix F - Operational Agreement Between the Office of Science Pacific Northwest Site Office and the Environmental Management Richland Operations Office May 2013.
M944 This modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J - List of Attachments, Appendix D - List of Applicable Directives.
M943 This modification incorporates changes to Part 1, Section H - Special Contract Requirements, Part III, Section J - List of Attachments, Appendix A - Advance Understandings on Human Resources Cost, and Appendix D - List of Applicable Directives.
M929 This modification modifies Appendix K - Advance Agreement on Costs and Disposition of Battelle Owned Personal Property/Nuclear Materials for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, add Appendix K-1, Attachment A - Personal Property Sales Agreement, and Appendix K-2, Attachment A - Nuclear Materials Sales Agreement.
M926 This modification replaces Appendix C - FY12 Small Business Subcontracting Plan and replace it with the new Part Il l, Section J - List of Attachments, Appendix C - FY13 Small Business Subcontracting Plan.
M920 This modification provides changes to Sections H and J. It replaces Part I, Section H, Special Contract Requirements, H-39, Definition of Unusually Hazardous or Nuclear Risk for FAR Clause 52.250-1 Indemnification Under Public Law 85-804, in accordance with the Secretary of Energy's "Memorandum of Decision" regarding same, dated December 5, 2012. Part III, Section J list of attachments: delete "(Reserved)" from the title of Appendix I and add List of Attachments, Appendix I - the List of Battelle Memorial Institute Legacy Work.
M915 This modification replaces Appendix E, FY2012 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan with Appendix E, FY 2013 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan.
M881 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes for the five-year contract extension to Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830, to Part I, Sections B, F, H, Part II, Section I and Part III, Section J, List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments.
M873 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Sections C, G, and H; Part II, Section I; and Part III, Section J, List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments. This includes Section J, Appendix C - FY 2012 Small Business Subcontracting Plan and Section J, Appendix D - List of Applicable Directives.
M842 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section H, Special Contract Requirement and incorporates Clause H-44, "Non-Federal Agreements for Commercializing Technology (Pilot)" into the Contract.
M840 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section F, Deliveries or Performance, and Part III, Section J, List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments.
M813 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section G, Contract Administration Data, Section H, Special Contract Requirements, Part II, Section I, Contract Clauses, and Part III, Section J, List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments.
M779 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section B, Supplies or Services and Prices/Costs; Section G, Contract Administration Data; Section H, Special Contract Requirements; Part II, Section I, Contract Clauses; and Part III, Section J, List of Documents, Exhibits, and Other Attachments.
M764 This bilateral contract modification revised Part I, Section H, Special Provisions, Clause H-39, "Definition of Unusually Hazardous or Nuclear Risk for FAR Clause 52.250-1 Indemnification Under Public Law 85-804."
M707 This contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section C, Description/Specifications/Work Statement, Section H - Special Contract Requirements, Part II, Section I - Contract Clauses and Part III, Section J - List of Attachments.
M705 This contract modification replaces Section J, Appendix B, Special Financial Institution Account(s) Agreement for Use with the Payments Cleared Financing Arrangement with the most current version and to replace Section J, Appendix E, FY 2010, Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan with Appendix E, FY 2011, Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan.
M688 This contract modification incorporates changes to Part III, Section J - List of Attachments.
M636 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section F, Deliveries or Performance and Part III, Section J, List of Attachments, Appendix D, List of Applicable DOE Directives & External Requirements.
M609 This contract modification replaces Part III - List of Documents, Exhibits, And Other Attachments, Section J - List of Attachments, Appendix C - Subcontracting Plan for Socioeconomic Programs, FY 2009 Small Business Subcontracting Plan and replace it with the new Part III - List of Documents, Exhibits, And Other Attachments, Section J - List of Attachments, Appendix C - Subcontracting Plan for Socioeconomic Programs, FY 2010 Small Business Subcontracting Plan.
M600 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section C - Description/Specifications/Work Statement, Part I, Section H - Special Contract Requirements, Part II, Section I - Contract Clauses, and Part III, Section J - List of Documents, Exhibits, And Other Attachments, Appendix D.
M599 This bilateral contract modification incorporates changes to Part I, Section C - Description/Specifications/Work Statement, Part I, Section H - Special Contract Requirements, and Part III, Section J - List of Documents, Exhibits, And Other Attachments, Appendix D, F, and H.
M578 This contract modification replaces Appendix E, FY 2009 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan with the new Appendix E, FY 2010 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan.
M543 This bilateral contract modification revises Part I, Section H, Special Provisions, Table of Contents, and revises Part I, Section H, Special Contract Requirements, Clause H-33 to delete the clause in its entirety and reserve the H-33 Clause number.
M528 This contract modification revises Part I, Section G, Contract Administration Data, Clause G-1 to incorporate personnel changes; Part I, Section H, Special Provisions, Clause H-11, to delete references to the required contractor Self Evaluation Report; and Part II, Section I, Contract Clauses, Clause I-68, to make revisions to Key Personnel, Clause I-83, to delete Alternate III and add Alternate IV, and Clause I-104 to delete the End of Year Provisional Fee Payment provision.
M515 This bilateral contract modification revises Part I, Section H, Special Provisions, Table of Contents, and adds Clause H-39, "Definition of Unusually Hazardous or Nuclear Risk for FAR Clause 52.250-1 Indemnification Under Public Law 85-804." In addition, Part II, Section I, Contract Clauses, Table of Contents is revised and Clause I-55A, FAR 52.250-1 "Indemnification Under Public Law 85-804," Alternate I (APR 1984) is added.
M511 This contract modification incorporates new and/or revised DOE directives into Section J, Appendix D, List of Applicable DOE Directives and External Requirements.
M506 Incorporates the clause, "FAR 52.225-1 Buy American Act - Supplies (FEB 2009)" into the contract at Section I, Clause I-34, in place of the clause, "FAR 52.225-1 Buy American Act - Supplies (JUN 2003)."
M504 Replaces Section J, Appendix C, Subcontracting Plan for Socioeconomic Programs FY 2008 Small Business Subcontracting Plan and replaces it with the new Appendix C, FY 2009 Small Business Subcontracting Plan.
M499 This contract modification incorporates CRD M 441.1-1, "Nuclear Material Packaging Manual" into Section J, Appendix D, "List of Applicable DOE Directives and External Requirements."
M498 This contract modification incorporates an advance agreement related to the ISM Awareness program into Section H, clause H-26. It also updates Section G, clause G-1 to incorporate personnel changes.
M494 Incorporates Clause H-37, "Information Technology Acquisitions," updates Clause I-68, "Key Personnel," and updates Section J, Appendix D, List of Applicable DOE Directives and External Requirements.
M492 This contract modification replaces Section J, Appendix E, FY 2008 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan with Appendix E, FY 2009 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan.
M490 The purpose of this contract modification is to extend the period of performance through September 30, 2012 and update terms and conditions.
M488 This contract modification extends the term of this contract three months, from September 30, 2008 through December 31, 2008, in accordance with Section F, Clause F-3, "Option to Extend the Term of the Contract Beyond Fiscal Year 2008."
M485 This contract modification incorporates changes to Section J, Appendix D, List of Applicable DOE Directives and External Requirements.
M484 This contract modification incorporates DOE guidance regarding E.O. 13423 and the Transformational Energy Action Management (TEAM) initiative, set forth in Acquisition Letter 2007-12. The change is incorporated into Section C, "Description/Specifications/Work Statement," Clause C 4.2.8.
M481 This contract modification incorporates the DOE Office of Science's current guidance regarding Laboratory planning activities; lists key personnel in the contract; and incorporates the revised clause DEAR 970.5232-3 "Accounts, Records and Inspection."
M473 Replaces Section J, Appendix C, FY 2007 Small Business Subcontracting Plan with the FY 2008 Plan & also replaces Section J, Appendix E, FY 2007 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP) with the FY 2008 PEMP.
M470 Contract extension through September 30, 2008, updates terms and conditions, including the incorporation of an option to extend the term of the contract beyond FY 2008.
M464 Updates Section J, Appendix D, List of Applicable DOE Directives and External Requirements.
M461 Updates Section J, Appendix D, List of Applicable DOE Directives and External Requirements.
M459 Replaces Section J, Appendix E, FY 2007 Battelle Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP) for Management and Operations of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory with agreed to modified Appendix E, FY 2007 PEMP.
M453 Modifies Section H, Clause H-36, Energy Efficiency in Energy Consuming Products; Section I, Clause I-93, Rights in Data-Technology Transfer; Section I, Clause I-94, Technology Transfer Mission; and Section J, Appendix D - adding and deleting DOE Orders
M456 Updates Section G, Clause G-1 and also Section J, Appendix C, Subcontracting Plan for Socioeconomic Programs to include FY 2007 goals and dollar amounts.
M451 Replaces Section J, Appendix E, FY 2006 Performance Evaluation & Measurement Plan with FY 2007 Plan.
M450 Updates Section J, Appendix D, List of Applicable DOE Directives and External Requirements.
M448 Modifies Section I, clause I-68, 952.215-70, Key Personnel.
M446 Incorporates a new Section J, Appendix B, Special Financial Institution Account(s) Agreement; it also updates Section J, List of Attachments to reflect new title of Appendix B.
M444 Updates Section J, Appendix D and Appendix F.
M442 Updates Section J, Appendix D, List of Applicable DOE Directives and External Requirements.
M440 Modifies Section I, clause I-99, paragraph (b)(2)(iii) to add paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(D).
M433 Modifies Section J, Appendix E, FY 2006, Battelle Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan for Management and Operations of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
M432 Modifies and updates Section C (Description/Specifications/Work Statement); Section H (Special Contract Requirements); Section I (Contract Clauses); Section J, Appendix C (Subcontracting Plan for Socioeconomic Programs); Section J, Appendix D (List of Applicable DOE Directives and External Requirements); Section J, Appendix E (Standards of Performance-Based Fee, FY 2006 Battelle Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan); and Section J, Appendix H (DOE SC Mission Stretch Goal[s] PEMP).
M425 Modifies Section J, Appendix F, Attachment A.
M430 Replaces Appendix E, FY 2005 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP) with the FY 2006 PEMP.
M422 Changes the titles of Section H, clauses H-22 and H-23 and modifies Section J, Appendix C and Section J, Appendix D.
M423 Modifies Section B, clause B-3; Section H, clause H-31; and updates Section J, Appendix H to add a Department of Homeland Security Mission Stretch Goal.
M420 Incorporates a new Section J, Appendix E, FY 2005 Performance Evaluation & Measurement Plan.
M415 Updates Section J, Appendix D, List of Applicable DOE Directives and External Requirements.
M412 Updates the contract in its entirety - to reflect the transfer of the contract from Richland Operations Office to the Office of Science and to reflect the new contract number - DE-AC05-76RL0 1830.