39 results found
Filters applied: Graph and Data Analytics, Solar Energy, Transportation, Biology, Offshore Wind

Agile BioFoundry

PNNL evaluates bacterial, fungi, and algae strains as part of a four-step process to streamline and standardize biomanufacturing processing.


The Data-Model Convergence (DMC) Initiative is a multidisciplinary effort to create the next generation of scientific computing capability through a software and hardware co-design methodology.

Dynamic Curbs in Urban Settings

A multi-institution research team led by PNNL is addressing curb usage management challenges in large urban areas by developing a city-scale dynamic curb use simulation tool and an open-source curb management platform. 

Earth Science in the News

From global issues such as melting permafrost and the creation of alternate biofuels to matters affecting microbiomes and micro-sized life, PNNL research is featured in news publications worldwide.

Electron Microscopy

PNNL is a leader in the integration of aberration-corrected electron microscopy, in-situ techniques, and atom probe tomography to address challenges in nuclear materials, environmental remediation, energy storage, and national security.

Grid Storage Launchpad

The Grid Storage Launchpad (GSL) is a national capability for energy storage research funded by the Department of Energy Office of Electricity and located on the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) campus in Richland, Washington

Improving Solar Forecasting

By improving the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-Solar model, this project aims to reduce forecast errors, improve sub-grid scale variability estimates, and more accurately estimate forecast uncertainty.

Institute for Integrated Catalysis

The Institute for Integrated Catalysis (IIC) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory explores and develops the chemistry and technology of catalyzed processes that enable a carbon-neutral future.

Lidar Buoy Program

PNNL administers two research buoys for the U.S. Department of Energy that allows collection of wind meteorological and oceanographic data off the nation's coasts.