213 results found

Institute for Integrated Catalysis

The Institute for Integrated Catalysis (IIC) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory explores and develops the chemistry and technology of catalyzed processes that enable a carbon-neutral future.


IrrigationViz is a visual decision-support tool that provides users with high-level estimates for irrigation modernization projects, such as concrete lining for a canal or replacing a canal with a pipeline.

Isotope Program

The Isotope Program at PNNL supports scientific advances in the production and use of radioisotopes for research, medicine, and industrial applications.


The Joint Global Change Research Institute conducts research to advance fundamental understanding of human and Earth systems and provide decision-relevant information for management of emerging global risks and opportunities.

Lidar Buoy Program

PNNL administers two research buoys for the U.S. Department of Energy that allows collection of wind meteorological and oceanographic data off the nation's coasts.

LightMAT Consortium

PNNL is leading a consortium that provides funding opportunities to the automotive industry for accelerating new lightweight technologies in on-highway vehicles.

m/q Initiative

PNNL is heavily engaged in the development and use of mass spectrometry technology across its science, energy, and security missions, from fundamental research through mature operational capabilities.