PNNL is honoring its postdoctoral researchers as part of the fourteenth annual National Postdoc Appreciation Week with seven profiles of postdocs from around the Laboratory.
Four PNNL researchers received highly competitive DOE Early Career Research Program awards, providing five continuous years of funding for their projects.
After years of planning, building, and calibration, researchers at the Belle II accelerator experiment in Japan have published their first physics paper.
B3? E4? Remember the board game Battleship? One player suggests a set of coordinates to another, hoping to find the elusive location of an unseen vessel.That is a good place to start in assessing the search for dark matter.
While some of us may periodically ponder the universe, most of us don't dedicate our lives to studying its mysteries, including its birth, evolution and fate.
To study some of the tiniest particles in the universe, an international band of physicists is building a massive instrument to look for signs of particles predicted to be fundamental to the workings of the universe.
Here at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, much of our physics research focuses on fundamental scientific discovery and national security.