Tutorial for DHSVM 3.0
In order to run the mass wasting option in the sediment model, the first step is to run the hydrological model with SEDIMENT option set FALSE. The hydrological run will output the file "saturation_extent.txt" (saturation extension) which is needed to run the sediment model and to define the specific events to be specified in the sediment control file. Then run DHSVM with SEDIMENT TRUE and Overland Routing KINEMATIC (instead of CONVENTIONAL) over the specified time periods. If you do not need the mass wasting option, you do not need to run DHSVM in 2 steps, just set SEDIMENT to TRUE from the start in the main control file.
Please check the input file processing section below for now.
- The GIS file processing (.bin files) is identical to 2.0.1 (same aml scripts, .c, etc).
- Use DHSVM 3.0 templates for the files that you had to edit manually before (stream.class.dat, road.class.dat, configuration files). Those are available in the input files processing section below.
- If you use the sediment option, you might need an additional DEM (higher resolution DEM). Just process it the same way you did for the other one. Rainy Creek 10 meter DEM to be used by the sediment option isĀ available here.
As a test, you can find all the input files and output files as run in our lab.