Processing of Input Files
Get started and do the input file processing in a few steps:
- Get started
- Process the map files
- Create Stream and Soil input files
- Create Model States
The following input files are required if using the road component, or the sediment and mass wasting model:
- Create Road input files
- Mass Wasting Model input files
Configuration files editing:
- Configuration file for DHSVM
- Configuration file for WMW
1. Get started
- Download the model.
- Required Map files ( the first 4 are required):
- a high resolution DEM ( few 10s of meters if using the mass watsing model)
- a mask file , ( we derive it from the DEM)
- a digitized soil type map
- a digitized vegetation map
- a digitized road map if using the road components
- a stream map is best, but not required: streams can be retrieved from the DEM
- a digitized soil depth map is best, but not required: it can derived from the DEM, and a required minimum and maximum soil depth for the basin
2. Process the DEM, MASK, SOIL, and VEGETATION map files
- Derive the mask file from the DEM
- NODATA should be converted to 0 instead of -9999 int the maskfile
- Clipping the soil depth, soil type and vegetation map on the mask file is not necessary, but all grids should have the same domain and resolution
- Convert coverage to grid (if necessary)
- Convert grid to ascii
- Remove the header
- Convert ascii to binary
Note that mask=char, dem=float, soil=char, veg=char for the conversion into binary.
Few programs to process the map files, remove the header automatically and convert maps from ascii to binary are available in the Tools Section.
3. Create stream and soil input files
Create the and
- fill the sinks in the DEM
- the script CREATESTREAMNETWORK , provided in the Tools page creates a soil depth grid ( if not provided) and stream network files ( and mask file if not provided either). Always read the usage recommendation before using the script. NOTEthat the cell area is hardcoded in and should be edited before running the aml script. Not editing it will result in a potential erroneous channel Cut Width in .
- We want to save the ouput at the final stream segment within the stream network. This is designated within the file with a value of -1 , in the first row and 6th columni ( destination channel ID) of the file. Routing results for this stream segment will be placed in the stream output file if the keyword SAVE appears in the last column of the file. Add "SAVE <basinname>" following the last column of, stream segment 1. ( If not saving the output at the mouth, it should be assigned a destination channel ID 0 ).
- The created soil depth map grid file should be converted to ascii. Then remove the header and convert it to binary.
Create the stream class file by editing the sample stream.class.dat file.
Create Initial channel state file by running the program MakeChannelState.scr.
Look at the documentation for further details on the format of the input files.
4. Create model states
create the Interception, Snow and Soil state file for the date specified in an Info file.
Compile and run the MakeModelStateBin.c
5. Create road input file
The program CREATEROADNETWORK creates the file It requires the DEM, the soil depth grid and the existing road network coverage. Similarly to, insert a "SAVE" at the end of the line for each segment to be looked at in the output files:
Create the road.class.dat by editing the sample file: DHSVM 3.0 version sample file (not Rainy Creek)
#ClassID HydWidth HydDepth n Inf RoadType ERod ERod_ol d50 n surface Width
where ERod is the Erodability, ERod_ol is the overland ( unpaved ditch ) erodability, n the Manning Coefficient, etc.
DHSVM 2.0.1 version sample file
#Class Width Depth n Inf
Look at the documentation for further details on the format of the input files.
6. Mass wasting model input files
A higher resolution DEM that you would normally used is required, along with a higher resolution mask file, are required. A 10 meter DEM and mask files were used to test the model by Doten et al. (2006) over Rainy Creek in the Cascades.
7. Configuration file for DHSVM
Edit the sample configuration file and edit paths, model options and dates.
8. Configuration file for WMW
Edit the sample configuration file and edit paths, model options and dates.
Look at the documentation for further details on the format of the input files.