Model Output
There are a number of different types of output that the model can produce. In short, the following possibilities are available:
DHSVM hydrologic output
- Default output (these files are always produced)
- Model state files
- Network flow files
- Travel time based hydrograph file
- Optional output files
Sediment Module output
- Default output (these files are always produced)
- Network flow files
- Optional output files
Unless you change the code, in very brief the ASCII output files will contain (Check the above link for more details about the variables):
Aggregated.Values (default output file) |
Date HasSnow OverSnow LastSnow Swq Melt PackWater TPack SurfWater TSurf ColdContent EvapTot EPot0 EPot1 EPot2 EAct0 EAct1 EAct2 EInt0 EInt1 ESoil00 ESoil01 ESoil02 ESoil10 ESoil11 ESoil12 ESoil Precip IntRain0 IntRain1 IntSnow0 IntSnow1 RadBeam RadDiff SoilMoist0 SoilMoist1 SoilMoist2 Perc0 Perc1 Perc2 TableDepth SatFlow Runoff SoilTemp Qnet Qs Qe Qg Qst Ra IExcess (InfiltAcc) |
Mass.Balance (default output file) |
Date IExcess CanopyWater SoilWater Snow.Swq Soil.SatFlow ChannelInt RoadInt CulvertReturnFlow Evap.ETot Precip Snow.VaporMassFlux Snow.CanopyVaporMassFlux OldWaterStorage CulvertToChannel RunoffToChannel MassError |
Stream.Flow (network output file ) |
Date Discharge_for_station1 Discharge_for_station2 etc (each columns corresponds to the "SAVE" markers in the . |
Road.Flow (network output file ) |
Date Discharge_for_segment1 etc (each columns is the discharge at the culvert with a "SAVE" marker in the file.) |
Streamflow.Only and Road.Only (network output file ) |
the first column is the date, and then each columns is the discharge at all the station or road segment where you wrote "SAVE" in the row |
AggregatedSediment.Values (mass wasting model output file ) |
Date SatThick DeltaDepth Probability TotMassWasting TotMassDeposition TotSedToChannel Erosion SedFluxOut OverlandInflow RdErosion RdSedToHill OverroadInflow |
MassSediment.Balance (mass wasting model output file ) |
Date MassWasting SedimentToChannel MassDeposition MWMMassError Sediment.Erosion Road.Erosion RoadSed DebrisInflow SedimentOverlandInflow SedimentOverroadInflow SedimentOutflow CulvertReturnSedFlow CulvertSedToChannel LastChannelSedimentStorage SedMassError |
failure_summary.txt (mass wasting model output file ) |
Date avgnumfailures avgpixperfailure numlikelyfailedpixels which correspond to "For each date that the mwm algorithm is run" "ave. no. of failures" "ave. no. of pixels per failure" "total number of failed pixels with probability of failure greater than failure_threshold" |
Sed.Stream.Flow and Sed.Road.Flow (mass wasting model output file ) |
Date ChannelID TotalMass TotalOutflowConcentration SegmentID |
Sed.Streamflow.Only and Sed.Roadflow.Only (mass wasting model output file ) |
Date TotalOutflowConcentration_for_each_segment_with_a_marker_"SAVE" |
saturation_extent.txt (DHSVM output file ) |
Date Sat The file is intended to screen for Mass Wasting dates to insert in the MWM configuration file Saturation extent is the percentage of the number of pixels with a water table that is at least MTHRESH of soil depth |