The Center for AI @PNNL is driving a research agenda that explores the foundations and emerging frontiers of AI, combining capability development and application to mission areas in science, security and energy resilience.
RemPlex provides a global forum committed to fostering technical leadership, collaborative research, and professional development that facilitates the cost-effective remediation of complex sites.
PNNL and ORNL are working together on Digital Twins to modernize the U.S. hydropower plant fleet, which will reduce operating costs, improve reliability, reduce downtime, enhance grid resiliency, and reduce environmental impacts.
In January 2024, CESER—in partnership with GDO, NASEO, and PNNL—created a set of state energy security cohorts to support the coordination and technical development of state energy security planning, assessment, and mitigation.
PNNL’s integrated software systems (FRAMES, MEPAS, MetView, APGEMS, CAPP) allow users to assess the environmental fate and transport of contaminants—and the potential impacts on humans and the environment—in a systematic, holistic approach.
PNNL is a leader in the integration of aberration-corrected electron microscopy, in-situ techniques, and atom probe tomography to address challenges in nuclear materials, environmental remediation, energy storage, and national security.
PNNL partners with agencies and industry to identify and engage historically disadvantaged populations in regulatory decision-making, environmental assessment, and impact estimation of the consequences of complex polices and projects.
A new set of resources from PNNL helps guide dam owners and operators through response and recovery actions in the wake of cybersecurity or unusual incidents.