Healthy Buildings

Making the case for building energy efficiency: considerations for occupant health and productivity

Modern looking building

The built environment plays a major role in American lives; it is where we spend 90 percent of our time and accounts for over 40 percent of U.S. energy consumption. Traditionally, building technologies, systems, programs, and design have focused on the economic benefits from reducing energy consumption. However, recent research and efforts have sought to leverage and integrate the capabilities of buildings (i.e., residential, commercial, and federal) to improve non-energy benefits to occupants and the broader economy. In collaboration with public and private sectors, PNNL is exploring energy and health research opportunities across the building sector. This effort aims to create a cross-cutting research paradigm that uses new research, technologies, and techniques. It also leverages emerging public- and private-sector investments in health and well-being to achieve energy efficiency, resilience, and affordability goals.

Download our Energy and Health Nexus white paper to learn more.