212 results found

RD2C Initiative

The RD2C laboratory-directed research initiative seeks to develop resilient, adaptive, and intelligent sensing and control algorithms through the observational understanding and characterization of CPSs under adverse conditions.

Re-siding Ext Insulation

Poorly insulated walls in residential buildings waste an estimated quadrillion+ Btus of energy per year. Upgrading windows and insulation during re-siding projects is a unique, cost-effective opportunity to improve efficiency and comfort.

Remediation Performance Assessment

PNNL has developed performance assessment guidance for remediation of volatile contaminants in the vadose zone, inorganic contaminant remediation in the vadose zone, and pump-and-treat of groundwater contaminant plumes.

Renewable Energy Landscapes

Renewable Energy Landscapes research offers pathways for developing community-centered renewable energy at scale that delivers on global climate goals along with tangible local value.

Residential Load Flexibility

PNNL is working on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy to create a prototype system that enables homes to help provide services to the power grid while delivering economic benefits to residents.

Resources for Community Organizations

PNNL and Launch Point CDC, Inc. are developing resources that support a transformative approach to community engagement and workforce development, tailored to uplift disadvantaged communities as clean energy technologies are deployed.

Salish Sea Model

The Salish Sea Model (SSM) is a predictive coastal ocean model for estuarine research, restoration planning, water-quality management, and climate change response assessment.


Powered by few-shot learning, the Sharkzor AI-driven, scalable web application makes it possible to quickly characterize and sort electron microscopy images used to analyze radioactive materials.


The Suite Of Comprehensive Rapid Analysis Tools for Environmental Sites online tools provide rapid data analytics and visualization of environmental data supporting remedy decisions, optimization, and exit strategies.