Scientists develop a water tracer tool in an advanced hydrologic model to understand the importance of modeling lateral flow in hydrologic simulations.
Erich Hsieh, Deputy Assistant Secretary for OE’s Energy Storage Division, shared insights about the Grid Storage Launchpad and energy storage innovations .
Scientists use water vapor tracers incorporated in a climate model to tag moisture from local evapotranspiration and trace their evolution through different processes.
Aerosol particles imbue climate models with uncertainty. New work by PNNL researchers reveals where in the world and under what conditions new particles are born.
Researchers evaluate a new slab ocean capability in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) version 2 by comparing its climate simulation to that of the full version of E3SM that uses a dynamic ocean model.
Climate change is bringing more extreme summer weather, from heat waves to hurricanes, that can disrupt the flow of electricity. Here’s how PNNL scientists are working on solutions to protect the nation’s electric grid.
Accessing groundwater may become more difficult—and more expensive—as groundwater supplies become increasingly scarce and underground aquifer levels fall.
The first-of-its kind vessel will allow researchers to transport large equipment and take measurements in near-silence with reduced impact on wildlife.
A compilation of soil viral genomes provides a comprehensive description of the soil virosphere, its potential to impact global biogeochemistry, and an open database for future investigations of soil viral ecology.
A multi-institutional team of researchers conducted a 13C-labeling greenhouse study using a semi-arid grassland soil, where they tracked the fate of 13C-labeled inputs from living roots and decaying roots from annual grass Avena barbata.