Downloads for RT3D
RT3D Code
Users may, at no cost, download the versions of RT3D listed below, which are provided without a graphical user interface and can be used as stand-alone software or in conjunction with third party graphical interfaces. Information on copyright/license can be found in the RT3D version 2.5 Readme document, among other places. Insofar as applicable per U.S. Department of Energy contract DE-AC05-76RL01830, RT3D is not public domain software; contact the PNNL legal department for details, if needed.
Users who are interested in one of the packages below should fill out this short form, which requests a name, company, and a brief description of the intended use.
- RT3D version 2.5, 2009-Aug-18 Build (5.2 MB) (documentation, Windows executables, examples)
- RT3D MNA/EA reaction modules, 2010-Feb-01 Build (beta version software) (7.4 MB) (Windows DLLs)
- RT3D PFAS-related reaction modules for DOE-EM: Kinetically Limited Sorption and 8:2 FTOH Transformation (2023-Oct release) (11KB) (Windows DLLs)
Listed below is documentation describing the basis of the RT3D code and how to use the software. The RT3D manuals do not overlap much; users should use them together as a set for complete information on the code. The RT3D version 2.5 Readme file contains information related to limitations and downloading the software. The RT3D tutorials for GMS were written for version 1.0 of RT3D and a previous version of GMS, but the information is still generally useful (although there have been some changes in the GMS interface). The two white papers describe additional reaction modules, which may be implemented as user-defined reaction modules. All documents are in pdf format and can be viewed with free software.
- RT3D version 1.0 Manual (194 KB) PNNL-11720
- RT3D version 2.5 Update Document (286 KB)
- RT3D version 2.5 Readme Document (128 KB)
- Development of Scalable Reactive Transport Framework for PFAS (1.6 MB) PNNL-35136
- Natural and Enhanced Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents Using RT3D (3.0 MB) PNNL-15937
- RT3D Reaction Modules for Natural and Enhanced Attenuation of Chloroethanes, Chloroethenes, Chloromethanes, and Daughter Products (6.7 MB) PNNL-15938
- rtFlux: RT3D Flux Plane Utility (1.7 MB) PNWD-3720
- RT3D Tutorials for GMS Users (236 KB) PNNL-11805
- Dual Porosity Reaction Module White Paper (22 KB)
- NAPL Reaction Module White Paper (43 KB)
Example Simulations
The following zip file contains the input files for the examples discussed in the RT3D Manual (PNNL-11720).
RT3D-Related Utilities
The following utilities are provided "as is" with no support and without any warranty. The RT3D developers make no warranties, expressed or implied, that the software is free of errors or whether it will meet a user's need for solving a particular problem. Users use the software at their own risk. The developers disclaim all liability for direct or consequential damage resulting from use of the software.
Users that develop a utility that is useful when working with RT3D, may send us a request to have the (freeware) utility listed on this web site.
- ConReader (145 KB) is a utility to read time series data for user-defined observation points from RT3D concentration files (*.con files). This program is a modification of PM.for, written by Dr. Chunmiao Zheng, for post-processing MT3DMS data. The code modifications were done by Brad Thoms while a master's degree candidate in Environmental Science and Engineering at the Oregon Graduate Institute (now Oregon Health & Sciences University). Let us know if you find this software useful.
Third-Party General Utilities
The RT3D developers do not endorse the software over any other; they have merely found these utilities to be useful and are providing links to them for the user’s convenience.
- 7-Zip (freeware compression/decompression software)
- Programmer's File Editor (freeware text editor)
- PDF-XChange Viewer (freeware for displaying PDF files)
- Adobe Acrobat Reader (freeware for displaying PDF files)