
Investing from Within: Software that Drives Scientific Advancements | Part 3 of a 3-Part Series
Experts in EMSL’s realm of Computing Analytics and Modeling develop software that eases the analysis of experimental data.
February 2021

Investing from Within: Exploring Environmental Interactions | Part 1 of a 3-Part Series
Mission-guided facility research projects help develop new instruments, workflow processes, and collaborations for EMSL users.
December 2020

After a series of workshops in early 2020, EMSL laid out a roadmap of where it aspires to be by 2030
October 2020

Genome Insider Episode 3: River Microbiomes From Around The World
Kelly Wrighton and her group at Colorado State University in Fort Collins have a massive undertaking: sequencing the world’s river microbiomes. And they’re using team science to do it.
Joint Genome Institute podcast, May 2020

PNNL Watershed Sciences: Fluid, Fast, and Impactful
From microscopic bacteria in river sediments to vast watersheds to global-scale data and inquiries, a PNNL scientist plays a big research role
December 2019

EMSL and WHONDRS Collaborate on Global River Sampling Study
Metabolomics data will help understand integrated river corridor function and develop predictive models
June 2018