Community Engagement and Events
Upcoming Opportunities for Engagement
WHONDRS is for and by the community. Below are recent or upcoming opportunities to get engaged with WHONDRS.
1. Join a crowdsourced collection of papers that use data from the WHONDRS Summer 2019 sampling campaign
We invite you to join a crowdsourced collection of papers that will use data from the WHONDRS Summer 2019 Sampling campaign of 97 global river corridors. The concept of the crowdsourced collection is to openly engage with the science community throughout the research lifecycle. One primary goal of crowdsourced ideation, analysis, interpretation, and writing is to provide a venue for a diverse set of voices that have different knowledge bases and experiences. We encourage scientists of all levels and all countries to be involved in this project, and to encourage others to join. Email for more information.
The science focus of this crowdsourced collection is translating concepts of ‘core’ and ‘satellite’ taxa from ecology into river corridor metabolomics. Some potential goals are (1) laying out the conceptual parallels between biological species and chemical species that allow for a translation of the core-satellite concept into metabolomics, (2) developing and implementing an approach to identify core and satellite metabolites, (3) studying gradients/differences in chemistry along the continuum from core to satellite metabolites, and (4) developing new conceptual models linking patterns of metabolite occurrence with metabolite chemistry.
2. Join the new ICON-ModEx sampling + AI modeling research effort to understand and predict sediment respiration
Visit to learn more about this effort. The sampling is informed by artificial intelligence models developed by Parallel Works using open data from the WHONDRS consortium and other community resources. The science goal is understanding riverbed sediment biogeochemistry through continental-scale iteration between models and data.
3. Collect samples from your study sites
WHONDRS seeks new collaborators to collect one-time samples in continents and countries throughout the world that WHONDRS has not yet sampled. Of particular interest are locations throughout Asia and the Southern Hemisphere. Here is a map of where samples have been collected or are currently planned. WHONDRS will supply sampling materials and pay for data generation. Email for more information.
4. Use WHONDRS data for your research
We encourage you to use WHONDRS data for your presentations, proposals, and publications. Take a look at our global datasets and let us know if you need any help working with the data. You can find a description of our different sampling campaigns at WHONDRS now has ten data packages published on ESS-DIVE. Data types include ultrahigh resolution organic matter characterization using FTICR-MS, stable water isotopes, non-purgeable organic carbon, total nitrogen, anions, pH, specific conductivity, and more.
5. Learn from the resources created during the EMSL 2020 Multiscale Microbial Dynamics Modeling Summer School
In August 2020, the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) held a virtual summer school. The short course focused on working with FTICR-MS and microbial data from the WHONDRS 2018 Diel Cycling Study using openly available tools, including KBase.
The recorded presentations are available on YouTube. These materials provide a great practical introduction to working with WHONDRS data, spanning goals from metabolic modeling, metagenomic analysis, thermodynamic theory, cheminformatics, and reactive transport modeling. Everything is publicly available and free to use for publications, proposals, or any other use. Please reach out if you seek additional guidance.
Below are past events related to WHONDRS. The archive of WHONDRS newsletters can be found here. If events are recorded or have content that can be accessed after the event is over, we have done our best to add the links below.
- ICON-ModEx Plenary presentation from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Biological and Environmental Research (BER) Earth Systems Science (ESS) Program 2022 Principal Investigator Meeting presented by Amy Goldman (recording)
- Second Open Discussion for ICON-ModEx Research Effort presented by James Stegen
- Invited talk at Dry Rivers Research Coordination Network workshop presented by Mikayla Borton, Sujata Emani, and James Stegen (slides)
- First Open Discussion for ICON-ModEx Research Effort presented by James Stegen
- Invited talk at 2021 Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting by Kelly Wrighton
- Invited talk at 2021 Genomic Sciences Program Annual PI Meeting by Aimee Kessell
- Invited talk at ESS-DIVE Community Data Workshop presented by Amy Goldman
- Invited talk at Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project Strategic Topic Workshop presented by Tim Scheibe
- Invited talk at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel presented by James Stegen
- Invited talk at 2021 AGU International Critical Zone Network-of-Networks Early Career Workshop presented by Amy Goldman (slides)
- AGU Fall Meeting 2021 Town Hall: Launching the ICON Science Cooperative: A Discussion on Opportunities to Advance Your Science (slides)
- AGU Fall Meeting 2021: Oral and Poster Presentations Using/Referencing WHONDRS Data
- IN45F-0494 - ICON Principles Maximize Opportunities for Global Synthesis and Discovery throughout the Research Lifecycle – Amy Goldman
- ED55D-0308 - It takes a village: using a crowdsourced approach to investigate organic matter composition in global rivers through the lens of ecological theory – Mikayla Borton
- H31D-08 - Hyporheic Zone Respiration is Indirectly Constrained by Organic Matter Molecular Richness at the Continental Scale – James Stegen
- B25D-1479 - Data-Driven Modeling for Classification and Characterization of Metabolite Data in River Corridor: The Power of Feature Engineering – Hyun-Seob Song
- B22A-04 - Microscopic time travelers: A finely tuned, time-resolved analysis of viral and microbial communities in the Erpe river - Josué Andrés Rodríguez-Ramos
- B22A-09 - Putting microorganisms on the map: continental-scale context for thousands of newly sampled microbial genomes from North American watersheds – Kelly Wrighton
- Workshop for ICON Special Collection Section Champions presented by Amy Goldman, Sujata Emani, Lina Pérez-Angel, Josué Rodríguez-Ramos, James Stegen
- AGU Fall Meeting 2020 Town Hall: New and Expanding Community-Driven Research Programs to Understand Watershed and Coastal Processes
- AGU Fall Meeting 2020 Town Hall: Open Innovation in the Geosciences for Mutual Benefit and Accelerated Discovery
- AGU Fall Meeting 2020: Oral and Poster Presentations Using/Referencing WHONDRS Data
- IN008-02 - Connecting Environmental Systems Science and Digital Library Practices - Joan Damerow
- H061-0004 - Organic Matter Thermodynamics Mediate Microbe-Ecosystem Integration - James Stegen
- H071-01 - A Trait-Based Framework Linking Biogeochemical Control Points to Organic Matter Chemistry - James Stegen
- B047-0003 - Activity and distribution of aggregate-associated bacteria along the Jordan River, Israel - Edo Bar-Zeev
- B047-0006 - Community Engagement and Distributed Sampling to Accelerate Hydrobiogeochemical Discovery across River Corridors - Marcy McCall
- B047-0008 - Global metabolome spatiotemporal dynamics within river corridors were driven by deterministic and stochastic processes - Robert Danczak
- B047-0010 - Investigating Subsurface Biogeochemistry in Tide-Impacted Altamaha River Sediment Using Microbial Metagenomics and Metabolomics - Kadir Bice
- B047-0015 - Temporal and Spatial Changes in Organic Matter Thermodynamics across Globally-Distributed River Corridors - Scott Klasek
- B047-0018 - Using Community Science to Reveal Global Chemogeography of River Metabolomes - Lupita Renteria
- B047-0019 - Variations in Hyporheic Zone Aerobic Respiration across Four Rivers as Predicted from Dissolved Organic Matter Composition - Stephanie Napieralski
- B058-02 - Simultaneous Attenuation of Trace Organic Compounds and Dissolved Organic Matter in a River and its Hyporheic Zone? - Birgit Mueller
- B058-08 - Distributed Metagenomic Sampling of River Corridors Identifies Shared Microbial Functional Traits Underpinning Transferable Hydrobiogeochemical Processes - Michael Shaffer
- B058-09 - Metabolic Network Modeling and Metabolomics Integration for Comparative Analysis of Biogeochemical Reactions in Multiple River Systems - Aimee Kessell
- B058-10 - Global-Scale Trait-Based Ecology of Organic Matter Thermodynamics - Vanessa Garayburu-Caruso
- B058-10 - Global-Scale Trait-Based Ecology of Organic Matter Thermodynamics - Vanessa Garayburu-Caruso
- B078-0009 - Machine Learning-based Metabolic Network Modeling for Omics-integrated Biogeochemical and Reactive Transport Simulations - Hyun-Seob Song
- AGU Fall Meeting 2020 WHONDRS Virtual Booth
- EMSL 2020 Multiscale Microbial Dynamics Modeling Summer School
- Invited talk at Oregon State University Graduate School Seminar presented by Vanessa Garayburu-Caruso and Lupita Renteria
- Invited talk at Annual National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Domain Manager Meeting presented by Amy Goldman
- AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Town Hall: Coordinated Open Science by Design to Transform the Geosciences
- AGU Fall Meeting 2019 WHONDRS Exhibit Booth
- Invited talk at Applied and Environmental Microbiology Gordon Research Conference, Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts presented by James Stegen
- Invited talk at Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, Maryland presented by James Stegen
- AGU Fall Meeting 2018 Town Hall: WHONDRS: A Community Resource for Studying Dynamic River Corridors
- AGU Fall Meeting 2018 WHONDRS Exhibit Booth
- Invited talk at Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington presented by James Stegen