Energy Infrastructure

Electricity Infrastructure

Electricity Infrastructure market icon

PNNL has a portfolio of dozens of technologies to support the modernization of the electrical grid, including software and analysis tools related to grid analytics, grid cybersecurity, demand response, and transactive control. Our patented technologies and copyrighted software help optimize grid operations, improve forecasting and response time, and inform decisions about distribution systems and grid energy storage. They also evaluate equipment health and infrastructure damage and improve your products and services for the electric utilities market. Among our patented software platforms is a suite of cybersecurity tools that help operators determine grid vulnerabilities, support development of mitigation strategies to minimize the impact of cyberattacks on grid assets, and detect possible incursions before they happen. Browse our portfolio to learn about all the intellectual property available for licensing. View our interactive booklets of grid modernization intellectual property, cybersecurity solutions for critical operational technologies, and transactive energy control


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