42 results found
Filters applied: Chemistry, Nuclear Energy, Energy Efficiency, Science of Interfaces, Energy-Efficient Mobility Systems

Agile BioFoundry

PNNL evaluates bacterial, fungi, and algae strains as part of a four-step process to streamline and standardize biomanufacturing processing.

Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis

To improve reactions important for solar energy storage and fuel cells, the Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis (CME) Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) seeks to transform the design of electrocatalysts that convert electrical energy

Dynamic Curbs in Urban Settings

A multi-institution research team led by PNNL is addressing curb usage management challenges in large urban areas by developing a city-scale dynamic curb use simulation tool and an open-source curb management platform. 

Electron Microscopy

PNNL is a leader in the integration of aberration-corrected electron microscopy, in-situ techniques, and atom probe tomography to address challenges in nuclear materials, environmental remediation, energy storage, and national security.

Energy Equity

PNNL is laying the groundwork for advancing energy equity and environmental justice through research to develop an innovative energy system that benefits everyone