45 results found
Filters applied: Earth & Coastal Sciences, Weapons of Mass Effect


The UNSAT-H computer code is used to understand the movement of water, heat, and vapor in soils so more informed decisions can be made about land use, waste disposal, and climate change.

Visual Sample Plan

Visual Sample Plan (VSP) is a software tool that supports the development of a defensible sampling plan based on statistical sampling theory and the statistical analysis of sample results to support confident decision making.

Water Cycle and Climate Extremes Modeling

The Water Cycle and Climate Extremes Modeling (WACCEM) Scientific Focus Area advances predictive understanding of water cycle variability and change through foundational research using models, observations, and novel numerical experiments.

WMD Counterproliferation Training

PNNL develops training, exercises, and assessments to prepare and equip border security officers to detect, identify, and interdict the illicit movements of materials, commodities, and components associated with WMD.