Journal Articles
- Nguyen, T., T. Vu, S. Paudyal, F. Blaabjerg, and T. L. Vu. 2022. “Grid-Forming Inverter-Based Wind Turbine Generators: Comprehensive Review, Comparative Analysis, and Recommendations.” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. PNNL-SA-173077. DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2203.02105
- Bakker C., A. Bhattacharya, S. Chatterjee, M.R. Oster, C.J. Perkins, and F. Pan. 2021. "Solvability, Operability, and Security for Cyber-Physical Systems: New Computational Methods with Revised Assumptions." Journal of Information Warfare 20, no. 2:1-26. PNNL-SA-154041.
Conference Papers
- Subasi O., S. Purohit, A. Bhattacharya, and S. Chatterjee. 2023. "Impact-Driven Sampling Strategies for Hybrid Attack Graphs." In 2022 IEEE Virtual International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security. PNNL-SA-178629. doi:10.1109/HST56032.2022.10025439
- Jinsiwale R., M. Maharjan, T. Becejac, and A. Ashok. 2022. "Evaluating a real-time model decoupling compensation approach for developing scalable, high-fidelity microgrid models." In 7th IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC) 2023. PNNL-SA-179831.
- Ramachandran T., C. Bakker, S. Nandanoori, and S. Sinha. 2022. "Data-driven Characterization of Recovery Energy in Controlled Dynamical Systems using Koopman Operator." In 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2230-2235. PNNL-SA-171673. doi:10.1109/CDC51059.2022.9992893
- Das S., A. Dutta, S. Purohit, E. Serra, M. Halappanavar, and A. Pothen. 2022. "Towards Automatic Mapping of Vulnerabilities to Attack Patterns using Large Language Models." In IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST 2022), November 14-15, 2022, Boston, MA, 1-7. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-174298. doi:10.1109/HST56032.2022.10025459
- Bouvier, J.H., S.P. Nandanoori, M. Ornik, and S. Kundu. 2022. “Distributed Transient Safety Verification via Robust Control Invariant Sets: A Microgrid Application.” In The 2022 American Control Conference. arXiv. PNNL-SA-167568. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2202.09320
- Dutta A., S. Purohit, A. Bhattacharya, and O. Bel. 2022. "Cyber Attack Sequences Generation for Electric Power Grid." In 10th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems. PNNL-SA-170464. DOI: 10.1109/MSCPES55116.2022.9770105
- Nazir M., and M. Almassalkhi. 2022. "Market mechanism to enable grid-aware dispatch of Aggregators in radial distribution networks." In 11th Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control Symposium. PNNL-SA-170762. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2207.04528
- Nazir M., T. Ramachandran, S. Bhattacharya, A. Singhal, S. Kundu, and V.A. Adetola. 2021. "Optimization-Based Resiliency Verification in Microgrids via Maximal Adversarial Set Characterization." In American Control Conference (ACC) 2022. PNNL-SA-167569. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2203.14918
- Sinha S., S. Nandanoori, T. Ramachandran, C. Bakker, and A. Singhal. 2021. "Data-driven Resilience Characterization of Control Dynamical Systems." In 2022 American Control Conference. PNNL-SA-166887.
- Ashok A., and T.W. Edgar. 2021. "A High-Fidelity Cyber-Physical Testbed-Based Benchmarking Dataset For Testing Operational Technology Specific Intrusion Detection Systems." In 2021 Virtual IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security. PNNL-SA-163767. DOI: 10.1109/HST53381.2021.9619851
Roy S., S.G. Aksoy, P. Wang, and S.J. Young. 2021. "Structural Controllability Assessment for Inverter-Based Microgrids." In 2021 North American Power Symposium. PNNL-SA-165688. DOI: 10.1109/NAPS52732.2021.9654687
- Nazir M., S. Kundu, T. Ramachandran, S. Bhattacharya, A. Singhal, and V.A. Adetola. 06/09/2022. "Optimization-Based Resiliency Verification in Microgrids via Maximal Adversarial Set Characterization." Presented by M. Nazir at American control conference (ACC), Atlanta, Georgia. PNNL-SA-174861.
- Dutta A., and S. Niddodi. 06/09/2022. "Physical Aware Cyber Platform for Increased Resilience to Cyber-physical Systems." Presented by A. Dutta, S. Niddodi at Techfest 2022, Richland, Washington. PNNL-SA-173952.
- Bel O., S. Niddodi, S. Purohit, and W.J. Hofer. 06/09/2022. "Power grid co-simulation using NS3 (RD2C)." Richland, Washington. PNNL-SA-173898.
- Dutta A., S. Purohit, A. Bhattacharya, and O. Bel. 05/03/2022. "Cyber Attack Sequences Generation for Electric Power Grid." Presented by A. Dutta at 10th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems, Virtual, Washington. PNNL-SA-172798.
- Vasisht S.S., A. Rahman, T. Ramachandran, A. Bhattacharya, and V.A. Adetola. 05/05/2022. "Multi-fidelity Bayesian Optimization for Co-design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems." Online, Washington. PNNL-SA-172637.
- Edgar T.W. 04/26/2022. "Combining Multiple Levels of Fidelity for Experimentally Investigating Resilience." Presented by T.W. Edgar at IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, New Orleans, Louisiana. PNNL-SA-171818. View a recording of the presentation.
- Bakker C. 04/26/2022. "Domain Knowledge Incorporation and the Koopman Operator." Presented by C. Bakker at Artificial Intelligence for Robust Engineering & Science, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. PNNL-SA-172238.
- Ashok A. 04/22/2022. "Leveraging High-Fidelity, Cyber-Physical Testbeds to Prototype and Validate Resilient, Data-Driven, Intelligently-Designed Controls for Future Grids." Online, Washington. PNNL-SA-172279.
- Ashok A., and T.W. Edgar. 11/08/2021. "A High-Fidelity Cyber-Physical Testbed-Based Benchmarking Dataset for Testing Operational Technology Specific Intrusion Detection Systems." Online Conference, Washington. PNNL-SA-168161.
- Nazir M., and M. Almassalkhi. 10/25/2021. "Guaranteeing a physically realizable battery dispatch without charge-discharge complementarity constraints." Presented by M. Nazir at INFORMS 2021, Anaheim, California. PNNL-SA-162417.
- Nazir M. 08/10/2021. "Grid-aware aggregation and real-time disaggregation of distributed energy resources in radial networks." Online Conference, Washington. PNNL-SA-165598.
- Kundu S., Bhattacharya S., Adetola V.A. 9/28/2021 ""Data-Driven Forecasting of Demand Flexibility in Grid-Interactive Buildings." Online Conference, United States. PNNL-SA-167200.
- Bakker C. 07/29/2021. "Operator-Theoretic Simulation and Analytics." Presented by C. Bakker at Techfest 2021, Online, Washington. PNNL-SA-164683.
- Nazir M. 07/26/2021. "Guaranteeing a physically realizable battery dispatch without charge-discharge complementarity constraints." Presented by M. Nazir at Power and Energy Society, General meeting, 2021, Online Conference, Washington. PNNL-SA-164066.
- Ashok A. 07/26/2021. "Evaluating Resilient Microgrid Controls using a High-Fidelity Cyber-Physical Testbed Environment – Opportunities and Challenges." Online Conference, Washington. PNNL-SA-163775.
- Nazir M. 07/20/2021. "Guaranteeing a physically realizable battery dispatch without charge-discharge complementarity constraints." Online Conference, Washington. PNNL-SA-164071.
- Chatterjee S., D.L. Vrabie, M. Schram, V.A. Adetola, N. Kumar, S. Choudhury, and C.P. Dowling, et al. 04/30/2021. "Reinforcement Learning (RL) Research Needs Workshop." Presented by S. Chatterjee, D.L. Vrabie, M. Schram, V.A. Adetola, N. Kumar, S. Choudhury, C.P. Dowling, A. Bhattacharya, Q. Huang, T. Vu, Z. Hou, J.C. Hardin at Reinforcement Learning (RL) Research Needs Workshop, Zoom, United States. PNNL-SA-161901.
- Adetola V.A. 02/03/2021. "Resilience through Data-driven intelligently-Designed Control - Thrust 2." Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Washington. PNNL-SA-159521.
Lab-Level Communications Priority Topics