February 19, 2022
Conference Paper

A High-Fidelity Cyber-Physical Testbed-Based Benchmarking Dataset For Testing Operational Technology Specific Intrusion Detection Systems


Quality datasets serve a critical purpose in cyber security research. Data is needed to understand system behavior and develop security controls to protect critical systems. However, for critical infrastructure operational environments there is a lack of available datasets to study because of the high cost and specialized capabilities necessary to generate them. This paper documents the development of a dataset of high fidelity hardware in the loop laboratory simulated models of electric and natural gas distribution systems with real cyber attack test cases. A deep dive discussion for the experimental setup and controls for generating the data is provided along with observations from using the data in evaluating intrusion detection approaches.

Published: February 19, 2022


Ashok A., and T.W. Edgar. 2021. A High-Fidelity Cyber-Physical Testbed-Based Benchmarking Dataset For Testing Operational Technology Specific Intrusion Detection Systems. In IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST 2021), November 8-9, 2021, Boston, MA, 1-7. Piscataway, New Jersey:IEEE. PNNL-SA-163767. doi:10.1109/HST53381.2021.9619851