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JULY 11, 2019
News Release

PNNL to Host Women in Engineering Global Summit

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is one of 10 sites worldwide to host an IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit in 2019. The event will take place July 30 at Discovery Hall.
MARCH 27, 2019
News Release

Pristine Air Reveals Pollution’s Impact

Five years ago, in March 2014, researchers spent hours packed aboard a steamy Gulfstream-1 research aircraft as it zig-zagged between pristine air over the Amazon rainforest and polluted air nearby.
FEBRUARY 13, 2019
News Release

Rust Never Sleeps

Like iron flowing through the blood stream, iron minerals course through the ground. These minerals are used to make steel and other metal alloys used in everything from cell phone components and cars to buildings and industrial equipment.
FEBRUARY 13, 2019
News Release

New Clues about Ebola

A detailed analysis of blood samples from Ebola patients in Sierra Leone is providing clues about the progression of the effects of the virus and potential treatment pathways. The findings point to a critical role for a molecular pathway.