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135 results found
Filters applied: Electric Grid Modernization, Advanced Reactors, Feature, Research Highlight
OCTOBER 26, 2020

Safeguarding the Nation’s Supercomputers

Tracking down nefarious users is just one example of work at PNNL’s Center for Advanced Technology Evaluation, a computing proving ground supported by DOE’s Advanced Scientific Computing Research program.
JULY 20, 2020
Research Highlight

NWRTC Notes From the Field (June 2020)

PNNL's Northwest Regional Technology Center interviews Assistant Chief of Resource Management for Seattle Fire Department Willie Barrington about how his team faced the unknown when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Seattle, Washington.
JULY 14, 2020

Turning the Tides

Their consistency and predictability makes tidal energy attractive, not only as a source of electricity but, potentially, as a mechanism to provide reliability and resilience to regional or local power grids.
DECEMBER 11, 2019

PNNL to Lead New Grid Modernization Projects

PNNL will lead three new grid modernization projects funded by the Department of Energy. The projects focus on scalability and usability, networked microgrids, and machine learning for a more resilient, flexible and secure power grid.
DECEMBER 4, 2019

A More Painless Extraction

PNNL and Argonne researchers developed and tested a chemical process that successfully captures radioactive byproducts from used nuclear fuel so they could be sent to advanced reactors for destruction while also producing electrical power.
NOVEMBER 26, 2019

Conquering Peak Power

PNNL’s Intelligent Load Control technology manages and adjusts electricity use in buildings when there’s peak demand on the power grid.
AUGUST 30, 2019

Optimize, not Oversize

Energy storage is slowly shifting utility planning practices from the current paradigm, which ensures grid reliability by building reserve generation resources, to ensuring grid reliability by optimizing grid services.
JULY 12, 2019

Mapping Electricity Affordability

A new PNNL tool makes it easy to see the differences across the country when it comes to the cost and affordability of electricity. Users can sort and compare nearly 100 metrics or variables and get individual county information.