November 22, 2024
MDDC Multi-Length Scale Data Architecture Contribution Report – PNNL, INL, ANL, LANL and ORNL
This report offers a comprehensive view of data streams currently generated at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory set to integrate into the evolving Multi-Dimensional Data Correlation framework at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Developed by the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies program, the Multi-Dimensional Data Correlation framework serves as a cutting-edge software to manage data relevant to advanced manufacturing and material behavior in advanced reactors. The report defines data streams, highlights their generation methods and visualization methods both for experimental and computational aspects relevant to the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies project. A logical next step for this work is to integrate the MDDC framework into PNNL’s, INL’s, ANL’s, LANL’s and ORNL’s fabrication, experimentation, and modelling workflows. This would require setting up the MDDC framework at PNNL, INL, ANL, and LANL and integrating it into the data collection and storage for these different activities.Published: November 22, 2024