October 19, 2022
Journal Article

Hydrogen Atom Abstraction from an OsII(NH3)2 Complex Generates an OsIV(NH2)2 Complex: Experimental and Computational Analysis of the N-H Bond Dissociation Free Energies and Reactivity


Double hydrogen atom abstraction from (TMP)OsII(NH3)2 (TMP = tetramesitylporphyrin) with phenoxyl or nitroxyl radicals leads to (TMP)OsIV(NH2)2. This unusual bis(amide) complex is diamagnetic and displays an N-H resonance at 12.0 ppm in its 1H NMR spectrum. 1H-15N correlation experiments identified a 15N NMR spectroscopic resonance at –267 ppm. Experimental reactivity studies and density functional theory calculations support relatively weak N-H bonds of 74.5 kcal/mol for (TMP)OsII(NH3)2 and 75.4 kcal/mol for (TMP)OsIII(NH3)(NH2). Cyclic voltammetry experiments provide an estimate of the pKa of [(TMP)OsIII(NH3)2]+. In the presence of Barton’s base, a current enhancement is observed at the Os(III/II) couple, consistent with an ECE event. Spectroscopic experiments confirmed (TMP)OsIV(NH2)2 as the product of bulk electrolysis. Double hydrogen atom abstraction is influenced by p donation from the amides of (TMP)OsIV(NH2)2 into the d orbitals of the Os center, favoring the formation of (TMP)OsIV(NH2)2 over N-N coupling. This p donation leads to a Jahn-Teller distortion that splits the energy levels of the dxz and dyz orbitals of Os, results in a low spin electron configuration, and leads to minimal aminyl character on the N atoms, rendering (TMP)OsIV(NH2)2 unreactive towards amide-amide coupling.

Published: October 19, 2022


Dunn P., M. Barona Mosquera, S. Johnson, S. Raugei, and R.M. Bullock. 2022. Hydrogen Atom Abstraction from an OsII(NH3)2 Complex Generates an OsIV(NH2)2 Complex: Experimental and Computational Analysis of the N-H Bond Dissociation Free Energies and Reactivity. Inorganic Chemistry 61, no. 39:15325-15334. PNNL-SA-170965. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c00708

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