212 results found

Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal

PNNL is a testbed for the latest research and technologies in marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR)—leveraging the ocean’s strength as a natural carbon sink to address pressing climate concerns.

Mega AI

Mega AI seeks to develop massive-scale, self-supervised, multimodal foundation models of scientific knowledge capable of general-purpose inferences to enable reasoning with existing knowledge and discovery of new knowledge.

Molecular Observation Network

The Molecular Observation Network is a national open science network designed to produce a comprehensive database of molecular and microstructural information on soil, water, microbial communities, and biogenic emissions.

NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program

The NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program is administered by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and sponsored by the NNSA to provide students with training and practical experience that achieve the NNSA mission.


The National Response Framework Policy Landscape Analysis Tool interactively captures and visualizes intricacies of the National Response Framework, a federal guide to national response to all types of disasters and emergencies.


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory supports innovations in data analytics, instrumentation, and experimental techniques for the Northwest (NW) Biopreparedness Research Virtual Environment (BRaVE) Initiative.

O&M Best Practices

FEMP's operations and maintenance (O&M) resources offer federal agencies technology- and management-focused guidance to improve energy and water efficiency and ensure safer and more reliable operations.

Observational Research

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has pioneered the use of observational research for evaluating energy efficient technologies in the built environment.

Ocean Dynamics & Modeling

PNNL's Ocean Dynamics Modeling group studies coastal processes such as marine-hydrokinetic energy, coastal circulations, storm surge and extreme waves, tsunamis, sediment transport and nutrient-macroalgal dynamics.