Radiological R&D—including advanced reactors, legacy waste clean-up, nuclear nonproliferation, forensics, medical isotopes, actinide processing, and radiochemistry—is done in this Hazard Category II non-reactor nuclear research facility.
Expertise in the 318 Building—the Radiological Exposures and Metrology (REM) Laboratory—supports health physics, radiation dosimetry, irradiation research design, Monte Carlo modeling, radiation biology, engineering, and radiography.
At PNNL’s Materials Science and Technology Building, researchers identify and predict degradation of materials in extreme environments, such as components within nuclear power plants, before damage leads to failure.
Researchers in this lab investigate glass, glass-ceramic, grout, metal, and metal-ceramic wasteforms that will withstand corrosion over geologic time. This includes supporting the nation's nuclear waste vitrification efforts at Hanford.