PNNL researchers have developed a new, physics-informed machine learning model that accurately predicts how heat accumulates and dissipates during friction stir processing.
Three PNNL-supported projects are at the forefront of developing advanced data analytics technologies to enhance the U.S. power grid’s reliability, resilience, and affordability.
The National Transmission Planning Study presents several transmission expansion scenarios that would reliably support the growing demand for energy across the nation.
The first tidal turbine deployed in the Pacific Northwest at PNNL-Sequim showcases the Lab’s growing role as a regional center for marine energy research.
PNNL biodefense experts seek to identify, understand and mitigate the risks of biological pathogens—whether naturally occurring or intentionally created—so steps can be taken to prepare and respond.
The Grid Storage Launchpad dedication event was attended by leaders in grid and transportation energy storage, battery innovation, and industry stakeholders working to transform America’s energy system.
Anderson is one of only 25 women from throughout the world selected to participate in the Epistimi-Women in STEMM Leadership Workshop on “Women in the Energy Sector,” held July 15–19 in Athens, Greece.
With the launch of a large research barge, PNNL and collaborators took another significant step to improve offshore wind forecasting that will lower risk and cost associated with offshore wind energy development.