PNNL researchers have developed a new, physics-informed machine learning model that accurately predicts how heat accumulates and dissipates during friction stir processing.
Three PNNL-supported projects are at the forefront of developing advanced data analytics technologies to enhance the U.S. power grid’s reliability, resilience, and affordability.
The National Transmission Planning Study presents several transmission expansion scenarios that would reliably support the growing demand for energy across the nation.
The first tidal turbine deployed in the Pacific Northwest at PNNL-Sequim showcases the Lab’s growing role as a regional center for marine energy research.
PNNL researchers are exploring the kinds of flicker waveforms that the eye and brain can detect, seeking to understand the different visual and non-visual effects that result.
PNNL researchers earned five Papers of Note, 17 Superior Papers, and one poster award for their environmental remediation, radioactive waste, and nuclear energy-related presentations.
New funding spurs a new approach to researching the effective retrieval and processing of legacy radioactive waste. Four-year focus of the IDREAM EFRC will link attosecond timescales to decades-long chemical processes.