March 1, 2022
Staff Accomplishment

Lesperance Joins Editorial Advisory Committee for Domestic Preparedness

Journal advances thought leadership for first responders, emergency management

Ann Lesperance

Ann Lesperance, director of the Northwest Regional Technology Center at PNNL, has joined the newly established editorial advisory committee for the Domestic Preparedness Journal.

(Photo by Andrea Starr | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Ann Lesperance was invited to join the newly established editorial advisory committee for the Domestic Preparedness Journal. The committee has convened 21 subject matter experts from diverse disciplines and jurisdictions to provide content, feedback, and suggestions to maintain a robust editorial plan for the publication.

“Ann is a valuable addition to the team and a wonderful person to collaborate with. Since 2012, when we published her first article, she has been sharing her knowledge and making sure that our readers are familiar with innovations in research and technology related to preparedness,” said Cathy Feinman, the journal’s editor.

“Having been a reader of this journal for years, it is exciting to join in the process to deliver the quality content our first responders and public safety community have come to expect,” said Lesperance.

Established in 1998, the Domestic Preparedness Journal shares news and commentary on emergency preparedness, disaster response, and resilience. The monthly publication reaches an audience of over 7,000 first responders, health professionals, emergency managers, government officials, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector.

Lesperance has a long history of partnering with and helping researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to publish in the journal, including recent pieces on human-machine teaming, fentanyl detection, and pandemic response and recovery. Her committee term is January through December 2022. Lesperance is joined on the committee by representatives hailing from diverse fields, including hazardous materials, law enforcement, emergency management, and critical infrastructure.

In addition to this role, Lesperance engages with the emergency preparedness and disaster recovery mission by leading PNNL’s Northwest Regional Technology Center, serving on a joint appointment to Northeastern University – Seattle, where she is the Director of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities Programs and has a Faculty Affiliate appointment with Northeastern’s Global Resilience Institute, and served on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Committee on Applied Research Topics for Hazard Mitigation and Resilience.

To learn more about Lesperance’s and PNNL’s work in response, recovery, and resilience, visit

Published: March 1, 2022

Research topics