- The PNNL team has developed the Transformative RAS Tool (TRAST). TRAST has been applied and demonstrated in real-world use case analysis in collaboration with PacifiCorp ( and Idaho Power ( TRAST team is also one of the finalists in DOE 2020 Energy I-Corps training program;
- The PNNL team has delivered five PNNL technical reports;
- The PNNL team has filed two PNNL invention disclosure reports;
- The PNNL team has filed a U.S. patent application [Appl. No.: 16/435,352] on June 7th, 2019. It was published on Dec. 10th, 2020, and GRANTED on June 22nd, 2021;
- One journal paper was published in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems in July 2019;
- One conference paper was published and presented in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications;
- PNNL team hosted two industry review meeting with PacifiCorp and Idaho Power Company, one in 2017 December at Portland, OR and one in 2018 July at Richland, WA;
- PNNL team hosted two subcontract review meeting with Peak Reliability (former WECC Reliability Coordinator), one in 2018 August at Richland, WA and another in 2019 May at Peak Headquarter office at Vancouver, WA;
- PNNL team has delivered multiple presentations at academia workshop and industry work group meetings as well as IEEE conference.
Please see RAS flier and video below