February 1, 2025
Technical Assessment of Off-Gas System Technologies for Potential Use in Molten Salt Reactors
Molten salt reactors (MSRs) are a class of Generation IV advanced reactor technologies aimed to enhance and improve the safety, fuel utilization and cost-effectiveness of nuclear power generation. MSR concepts are based on using a molten salt mixture as a primary nuclear reactor coolant, while the fuel can be either directly dissolved in the coolant (i.e., fluid-fueled) or can be in a separate solid form (i.e., salt-cooled solid-fueled). MSRs can be operated in either thermal or fast neutron spectra, as simple fissile convertors, or breeder reactors (e.g., utilizing both fissile and fertile fuels), as well as accelerator-driven sub-critical reactors or transuranic element burners. Operation of MSRs will necessitate management and treatment of the off-gas streams released to the headspace of the reactor where, in some designs, a cover gas can be circulated to remove certain fission products and maintain an inert atmosphere. An inert MSR cover gas swept over or sparged into the salt will confine radionuclides emerging from the free surface, including radioactive noble and non-noble gases, aerosols, and volatile species. The elements and compounds of these species will have a wide range of thermochemical and physical properties, some of which will decay to different products in the off-gas stream. Therefore, system components used to manage and treat MSR off-gas streams will need to be robust under dynamic reactor and chemistry conditions to support adequate reactor performance by managing the composition and species in the salt coolant and cover gas space. Off-gas system components would perform as a radionuclide boundary to the reactor vessel and a primary means for preventing radionuclide release; therefore, they are of high safety significance for MSR operations. This report reviews various technologies and materials for potential implementation in the design of an MSR off-gas system per a general conceptual framework. The reviewed technologies operate based on scrubbing, capture, delay, or separation of species in the off-gas stream. These include molten hydroxide scrubbers, solid sorbents, delay off-gas systems, particle traps, and cryogenic distillation. Since aspects of an off-gas system will be design-specific, the approach is to provide general discussions on attributes of these technologies and materials, including target off-gas stream species, operational parameters and conditions of importance to decontamination factors, implementation maturity, system component monitoring, potential off-normal conditions and considerations for waste products. The information aims to support the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in their safety evaluations for MSR designs.Published: February 1, 2025