December 21, 2024
Scale up, Field Testing, and Optimization of Nontoxic, Durable, Economical Coatings for Control of Invasive mussels at Hydropower Facilities: Final Report for CRADA 527
In this effort, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) demonstrated the technical maturation of a durable, economical, and nontoxic coating (Superhydrophobic Lubricant Infused Composite, SLIC) that prevents invasive mussels and other unwanted organisms from growing on hydropower and marine structures. The physical characteristics of SLIC were measured using a variety of industry standard methods, just as a commercially available paint would, to show that it can rival other antifouling paints on the market not just in antifouling efficacy, but in structural integrity. SLIC also underwent extensive field testing in diverse field sites across the US to demonstrate that it is effective in varying environments. Engagement with industrial partners showed there is continued interest and need for a cost-effective, durable antifouling coating such as SLIC.Published: December 21, 2024