April 9, 2022
Journal Article

In-Operando XRD Study of the Effects of Water Vapor on Phase Formation in LSM/YSZ SOFC Cathodes


In-operando XRD was conducted on anode supported SOFC button cells with LSM-YSZ cathodes operated at varying cathode air compositions under constant current conditions for over 1000 hours. 1-hour XRD scans were continuously collected throughout the entire operation duration. By taking the sum of measured intensities from all of the collected patterns, the resultingA cumulative XRD count times by taking the sum of measured intensities allowed the identification of minor phases (present at concentrations as low as

Published: April 9, 2022


Yang X., J.S. Hardy, C.A. Coyle, J.F. Bonnett, S.M. Mahserejian, and J.W. Stevenson. 2022. In-Operando XRD Study of the Effects of Water Vapor on Phase Formation in LSM/YSZ SOFC Cathodes. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 169, no. 2:Art. No. 024512. PNNL-SA-167920. doi:10.1149/1945-7111/ac4f6e

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