February 20, 2024

Online Analytics for Remedy Support at DOE Environmental Management Sites


Environmental data is important for managing environmental restoration/waste site remediation, planning of monitoring efforts, addressing climate resilience, and engaging with stakeholders and regulators. A major challenge is how to manage the many different types and the large volume of environmental data in a way that allows practitioners and site managers to understand data implications and support decisions. The Suite Of Comprehensive Rapid Analysis Tools for Environmental Sites (SOCRATES, https://www.pnnl.gov/projects/socrates) is a web application that provides data access, visualization, and rapid analytics to help make sense of environmental data, support remedy decisions, and communicate information. Development of SOCRATES has been funded through the DOE Richland Operations Office (RL) to support communication and decision making for the Hanford Site, thus is only tied into Hanford environmental data. However, the capabilities of SOCRATES are more broadly applicable to DOE-EM sites engaged in environmental remediation and management. This report describes the work to to develop mechanisms for bringing non-Hanford data into SOCRATES so that other DOE-EM sites could make use of the visualization and analysis capabilities to support communication and decision making related to managing environmental restoration/waste site remediation, optimization/exit strategies for pump-and-treat systems, planning monitoring efforts, addressing climate resilience, and/or engaging with stakeholders and regulators. The background, approach, data transfer formats, examples, and next steps for this new SOCRATES-EM software are described in this report.

Published: February 20, 2024


Johnson C.D., J.Q. Wassing, J.P. Loftus, E.J. Engel, T.P. Franklin, and M.A. Perry. 2023. Online Analytics for Remedy Support at DOE Environmental Management Sites Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.