October 26, 2023

Navier: Dataflow Architecture for Computation Chemistry


Navier’s objectives were two evaluate the use of emerging technologies, especially dataflow accelerators, for high-performance computing (HPC) applications, specifically in the domain of chemistry, and to develop a prototype software stack to support such applications. Navier builds on capabilities previously developed by synergistic projects, such as PNNL Data Model Convergence (DMC) LDRD Hardware Advanced Workflows (HAW) and DuOMO, as well as DOE ARIAA. Throughout its 18 months, the Navier team developed new capabilities and artifacts at all levels of the HW/SW stack, provided a seamless way to integrate novel computing architectures (Sambanova SN10 and Xilinx Versal AI) into an existing software stack, developed chemistry workflows, data analytics tools, and HPC molecular dynamics workflows that leverage the developed stack and PNNL institutional investments in emerging architectures. Navier also explored the use of active learning to accelerate a computational chemistry workflow for organic molecules on PNNL Junction cluster (in collaboration with AMD/Xilinx). Navier developed tools, methodologies, and studies for hardware software co-design and (sparse) dataflow accelerators that are composable and can be used together or separately. These methodologies are now used in other projects, such as DOE AMAIS and HPDA. This report describes Navier’s achievement, the developed tools and methodologies, and the research findings and conclusions.

Published: October 26, 2023


Gioiosa R., E. Apra, A. Marquez, A.R. Panyala, R.A. Ashraf, and L. Guo. 2023. Navier: Dataflow Architecture for Computation Chemistry Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.