June 28, 2023
Graph-theoretical KMC Framework for Calculating Effective Diffusivity in TPBAR Components: Effective Diffusivity of Tritium in a-Zr Grain Boundaries
We report the development of a computer simulation tool based on the Graph-theoretical kinetic Monte Carlo (GT-KMC) approach that can be used to simulate diffusion and derive effective diffusivity of species in complex structures of TPBAR components. The GT-KMC framework was implemented in AKSOME, an on-lattice self-learning kinetic Monte Carlo tool developed at PNNL and was previously used to study solute diffusion in metal alloys. This newly developed tool will be helpful in simulating atom diffusion and extracting their effective diffusivities in grain boundaries and interfaces in various TPBAR components. Once benchmarked, the tool will be used to simulate the diffusion of tritium (hydrogen) along grain boundaries in a-Zr using the activation energy barrier data previously obtained from Density Functional Theory calculations.Published: June 28, 2023