September 17, 2024
Journal Article

Evidence-based target setting informs blue carbon strategies for Nationally Determined Contributions


The magnitude and pace of global climate change demand ambitious and effective implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Climate Agreement and Glasgow Climate Pact. Nature-based solutions present an efficient approach to achieving mitigation, adaptation, and resilience goals. Yet, few nations have quantified the diverse benefits of nature-based solutions to evaluate and select ecosystem targets for their NDCs. Here we report on Belize’s pursuit of innovative, evidence-based target setting by accounting for multiple benefits of blue carbon strategies. Through quantification of carbon storage and sequestration and optimization of co-benefits, we explore time-bound targets and prioritize locations for mangrove protection and restoration. We find increases in carbon benefits with larger mangrove investments, while fisheries, tourism, and coastal risk reduction co-benefits grow initially and then plateau. We identify locations, currently lacking protected status, where prioritizing blue carbon strategies would provide the greatest delivery of co-benefits to communities. These findings informed Belize’s updated NDCs--submitted to the UNFCCC in 2021--to include an additional 12,000 ha of mangrove protection and 4,000 ha of mangrove restoration, respectively, by 2030. Our study serves as an example for the more than 150 other countries that have the opportunity to enhance greenhouse gas sequestration and climate adaptation by incorporating blue carbon strategies that provide multiple societal benefits into their NDCs.

Published: September 17, 2024


Arkema K.K., J. Delevaux, J. Silver, S. Winder, L. Schile-Beers, N. Bood, and S. Cooks, et al. 2023. Evidence-based target setting informs blue carbon strategies for Nationally Determined Contributions. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, no. 7:1045-1059. PNNL-SA-182371. doi:10.1038/s41559-023-02081-1