August 6, 2024

EverGREEN 2045 An Energy Mix to Decarbonize Washington State


Washington State’s future resource mix is likely to be comprised of intermittent renewables and carbon-free generation including hydropower by 2045. Generation will likely be comprised of wind, solar photovoltaic (PV), batteries, pumped storage hydropower (PSH), existing nuclear power plants, and potentially enhanced geothermal systems and advanced nuclear reactor technologies. To assess the cost and stability of the future resource mix, we partner with X-energy (advanced reactor design) and AltaRock Energy (enhanced geothermal system) for proprietary cost data. After estimating the costs of these two new technologies, we design plausible future resource mix scenarios to meet Washington State’s Clean Energy Transformation Act which transitions the state to carbon-free generation by 2045. We assess the cost and stability of the future resource mix with power system analysis tools, finding revenues are sufficient to cover variable operating and maintenance costs for most technologies providing power in 2030 and 2045, but capacity payments or power purchase agreements will likely be necessary for flexible resources, including enhanced geothermal systems and advanced nuclear reactors, to participate in the future resource mix.

Published: August 6, 2024


Tarufelli B.L., A.M. Campbell, K. Mahapatra, D. Bhatnagar, P.R. Maloney, M.R. Weimar, and A.A. Zbib, et al. 2022. EverGREEN 2045 An Energy Mix to Decarbonize Washington State Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.