February 28, 2018

Automatic Identification of Retro-commissioning Measures


There is a general agreement that retro-commissioning (RCx) of existing buildings saves energy, with most reported savings in the range of 10% to 30%. However, RCx as it is practiced today is perceived as expensive with no guarantee of persistence. This report describes the RCx software applications developed by PNNL. These applications perform RCx diagnostics on AHUs, economizer systems, and hot-water central plants. In the future, chilled-water central plant diagnostics will be added.

Revised: July 12, 2018 | Published: February 28, 2018


Katipamula S., R.M. Underhill, R.G. Lutes, and S. Huang. 2018. Automatic Identification of Retro-commissioning Measures Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.