August 14, 2024
Journal Article
Analytical capabilities for iodine detection: Review of possibilities for different applications
This paper summarizes a range of analytical techniques that can be used to detect, quantify, and/or distinguish between isotopes of iodine (e.g., long-lived 129I, short-lived 131I, stable 127I). One reason this is of interest is in understanding release of radioiodine from nuclear processes to prevent environmental contamination and to protect human health as it can incorporate into the thyroid leading to cancer. It is also of interest for evaluating iodine retention performances of next-generation iodine off-gas capture materials and long-term waste forms for immobilizing radioiodine for disposal in geologic repositories. Depending on the form of iodine (e.g., molecules, elemental, ionic) and the matter state (i.e., solid, liquid, gaseous), the available options can vary. Additionally, several other key parameters vary between the methods discussed herein including the destructive-vs-nondestructive nature of the measurement process (including in-situ vs ex-situ measurement options), the analytical data collection times, and the amount of sample required for analysis.Published: August 14, 2024