73 results found
Filters applied: Cybersecurity, Nuclear Nonproliferation, Electric Grid Modernization, Energy Storage, Artificial Intelligence, Building Technologies

Aviation Security (AVSEC) Training

PNNL conducts AVSEC research and training for multiple U.S. government sponsors. This research covers historical threat materials, methods of attack, and emerging threats due to advances in technology.

Center for AI

The Center for AI @PNNL is driving a research agenda that explores the foundations and emerging frontiers of AI, combining capability development and application to mission areas in science, security and energy resilience.

Coal Redevelopment

PNNL is helping communities with significant historical ties to fossil energy understand opportunities and pursue numerous federal resources available to support coal power plant redevelopment.

CyberNET Testbed

Cyber networks are constantly under attack by bugs, bots, and nefarious actors. While system owners acutely understand the need to secure their networks, they’re not always sure of the best actions to take.