SPPSi Leadership Team
Jorge F. dos SantosChief Materials Scientist | Current Initiative Leader |
Jorge F. dos Santos serves as the SPPSi leader. He is the chief materials scientist in the Applied Materials and Manufacturing Group of the Energy and Environment Division (EED). His research encompasses solid phase joining, processing, and materials development technologies, with a focus on process development, microstructure evolution, and mechanical performance.
Suveen MathaudhuChief ScientistSuveen Mathaudhu is a Pacific Northwest National Laboratory joint-appointee from Colorado School of Mines, where he is a professor in the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department. He is the Chief Scientist of SPPSi and his research centers on ultrafine-grained and nanostructured materials by severe plastic deformation, mircrostructural optimization and homogenization, consolidation of metastable particulate materials, and processing-mircrostructure-property relationships of refractory metals and lightweight metals. |
Glenn GrantThrust 1 LeaderGlenn Grant serves as the Transformative Solid Phase Processing Science Thrust lead. |
Arun DevarajThrust 2 LeaderArun Devaraj serves as the Microscopic Origins of Mass Transport Science Thrust lead. He is a materials scientist in the Physical and Computational Sciences Directorate at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. His research focus is on the material processing-microstructure-property relationship of metallic alloys, oxides, biomaterials, and composite materials. |
Peter SushkoThrust 3 LeaderPeter Sushko serves as the Data-Enhanced Predictive Modeling Science Thrust lead. Sushko uses computational modeling to understand the electronic structure of materials, reveal mechanisms of defect formation and transport, and predict materials behavior in complex environments. He joined PNNL’s Physical Sciences Division in 2014 as an associate division director with responsibilities for materials science.
Cindy PowellChief Science & Technology Officer, Energy & Environment | Original Initiative LeaderCynthia (Cindy) Powell served as the original Solid Phase Processing Science Initiative lead. She assumed the role of Chief Science and Technology Officer for PNNL’s Energy and Environment Directorate effective October 1, 2021, leading the scientific, technological, and engineering vision for the directorate. Cindy joined PNNL in June 2017 as the division director for the Energy Processes and Materials Division. |